Pattern of marijuana use during adolescence may impact psychosocial outcomes in adulthood. A pattern of escalating marijuana use in adolescents is linked to higher rates of depression and lower educational accomplishments in adulthood. Source 9g.
I can see this as I see many kids who have left high school or not finished high school and seem to have no ambition to make their lives better so they stay with mom and dad and play games most of the time. Getting them to stay in a job is like trying to get them to do their home work in school.
How marijuana may damage teenage brains in study using genetically vulnerable mice. In a study of adolescent mice with a version of a gene linked to serious human mental illnesses, researchers say they have uncovered a possible explanation for how marijuana may damage the brains of some human teens. Source 1q.
I think it's not shocking. It's much easier for these kids to get weed now a days. All their friends have it, or parents. I don't think it's okay. It's a gateway drug for 80% of kids who try it or use it.