This is the most disturbing and frustrating stories I have read in a while. Please read it and even though I understand that she tried to get the child into the school bus. Etc what it frustrates me and angers me the most is that even though SHE CAN, meaning she is ABLE to drive her kid to school, she rather him to walk A MILE unsupervised, crossing busy streets, etc and based on that article the ONLY frustration isn't the fact that he could be killed or kidnapped but the fact that this police citation she was given could stop her from being a Girl Scout Leader or work at a day care! She just doesn't seem to get it!
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
There are some real crazy parents out there, what are they thinking or not thinking for that matter? She needs to be checked out for sanity or insanity. That gold colored van might have been his ride to a missing persons poster, stupid woman.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 23 2.3%
What it gets on my skin is the fact that she said she did everything she possibly could...how is that if she claims she CAN drop him from school but CHOOSES not to because she wants him to "get exercise"? Are you freaking kidding me? A 5 year old in cold weather walking a MILE with heavy traffic at times? Some of the neighbors are even saying they OFFERED to drop him to school and she has declined! But what the heck is wrong with this woman? I don't want to think she intentionally wants something to happen to this child because her behavior is FAR from being LOGICAL.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Name: Ndespain
Comments: Just so everyone sees the true story, she is not neglecting her kids if you knew her she doesn't have life so easy try walking in her shoes and then express your opinion! It is upsetting for people to say anything about her when there are many children walking even farther to this school. I would pick up her son if it made a difference. Please give her the courtesy of really reading what she goes through in a day. She is a wonderful mother and loves her kids.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 1 0.1%
I hope when she appears in court, the Judge can teach a lesson here because those who defend her are forgetting something, if she gets away with it it will mean that any other mother with a child of a similar age can do what she did without fear of being persecuted can you all see the ramifications of such thing?
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 43 4.3%