Buying A Bad Rep Domain?
Name: Raven
Comments: Is there any risk in buying a bad rep domain. You know like a domain that had an illegal site before or that was under net attacks by hackers, etc. Someone is offering to give away a domain but I don't want to inherit something that has a bad rep attached to it.
Hmm, well if you use the Google Webmaster tools there is - or at least was, I am unsure right now - the option to have a site be reevaluated. This can takes weeks however. In addition to this, some have reported that once any offending content had been removed from a website, that they were added back into the search results within just a matter of days and even hours.
Now if the site was under constant attack by hackers. I suppose that all depends. How long ago were the attacks? How much security did the site have when it was hacked? How secure are your passwords? etc. I suppose this would all depend on your security measure really.
Good luck!
Well "give away" or sell cheaply? Either way, it might be worth it if you have a very small outlay. Know that a domain name (I presume you're talking about ONLY a domain, as you aren't saying webspace) is only about $5-20 per year. If you're talking about webspace also, again, know space and a domain cost about $6-12/month for a somewhat about average needs package, $15-20 for a minimal commercial package and $40-100+ for real commercial hosting.
If you are considering getting webspace that has a previous bad rep or has been blacklisted or hacked, I wouldn't pay more than the equivalent of $3-5/mo for it, if that, and you will also need to look at whether you want to get it for 6 mos, a year or 2 years at a time, which all have their own discount ranges usually.
You have to decide why would someone even go down that road? Is the domain a key word that is going to represent your business / site? Is it that you just plan to use the bad reputation to redirect traffic to other sites you have? There are lots of twists and turns to this than one easy answer.