I believe we are trifling with things better left alone when we get our cards read. I don't believe the knowledge these people get comes from God so from where does it come? You will never convince me that they information comes directly from the cards so some "force" must provide it. I think it comes from an evil spirit and not from a good spirit. I know people think it is all in fun, but I personally want nothing to do with it.
Also, I think we end up making our own fate with this. If we believe a particular thing is going to happen because it was read in our cards, we can end up subconcsiously living our lives in a manner that ensures it does happen.
Back in my younger days, I used to get my cars read all the time. There was this one person that I actually let read my past cards and whether it be guess work or what, but he seemed to be quite acurate on some points. But when it came to future points, he was very wrong about everything. Back when I was younger, I really did believe in what was said in the cards. But thru much change in my life, over the years, I don't believe in them like I used to. The kind of insight to me, I truly believe is not something from GOD, but some darker force.
I'm not about to argue the validity of tarot cards as a means of prognosticating the future. I will say, however, that nearly any device with enough randomness can be used equally well, whether it's a handful of differently colored dice, or standard playing cards, or the pattern of tea leaves at the bottom of the cup of tea you just drank.
Shaman's of the past used to predict the future based on the patterns of birds in flight. We still have a tradition of predicting when winter will end based on whether a groundhog sees his shadow on February 2nd.
Tarot cards are a very interesting way of viewing the future. Has anyone of you used russian tarot? I have proven a lot of disclaimers wrong by performing a russian tarot reading. It uses your own energy to predict the future. Anyway i've been reading cards since a child. My mother taught me a very interesting card reading. But first i must specify that there are numerous variations of the tarot cards and you have to search a lot before finding the deck that corresponds to you and your abilities.
I read tarot cards, or atleast try. ometimes the readings turn out so accuraty its almost scary, and sometimes it just flops. I'm saying that its like the cards choose to reveal the past, present, or future of the person their working for.
Tarot cards appear to be quite harmless, but surely some tarot card readers are giving their clients false hopes?
I won't go into too many details, as I don't think that would be fair on the person involved, but I have an acquaintance, who lost her husband a while back, and has since started to attend tarot card readings on a very regular basis, I would almost say that she has become 'addicted'.
The first time that my acquaintance visited one, she was told that her husband would be happy if she moved on and met somebody else.
On every subsequent visit, the tarot card reader elaborates a bit more, 'revealing' more information, right down to what the man will look like that she is going to meet, what job he is in, a rough age of what he will be, how long it will be before she marries him etc etc, the list just goes on and on.
Fine, if the tarot reader is correct, then no harm done, but if she is making it up, she is giving my acquaintance false hope, and not only that, but she now lives her life according to the information that the tarot card reader is giving her.ie-- she says that she is wasting her time socializing with anybody who is not of the profession, of her future husband (as predicted)
Surely this can only bring harm, or at the very least great dissapointment?
Wow, thanks for sharing the experience of your friend DianeC. That's one of the reasons I think tarot reading should be avoided, look at your friend, thinking is a waste of time to socialize with any other man who does not fit what the tarot reader told her! *shaking head* It can be a very dangerous thing.