![Trinidad Mormons Trinidad Mormons](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
Name: Jim
Comments: I served in the West Indies mission from 5/06-7/08. I was trying to find out who the local leadership is in the Sangre Grande Branch, as I spent the 9 months of my mission there. Last I heard, Bhees*** Khoor*** was the president, but that was 4 or 5 years ago. Also... is W. Rupa still the president of the Couva branch?
Also, a man in my ward has parents (I believe their names are Elder/Sis. Leavitt) serving out in Chauganuas. He said that he heard the mission president was mugged not too long ago.
Thanks for any information you can provide.
I'm out of the loop as to who is where, but I did meet the Mission President and he said he was not mugged, so that remains as one of the many gossips formed. The Branch President in Sangre Grande is President Ali, a Return Missionary.
Name: Jim
Comments: Do you know Pres. Ali's first name and/or how long he has been back from his mission? I am trying to figure out if I know who he is. Thanks.
Now you can read all about the History of the Church in Trinidad & Tobago online for free at: HistoryoftheSaints.com.
Today was announced that another General Authority will be coming to Trinidad to see if they're ready for a stake. The general authorities seem a bit unsure and it was said today that they're taking every single step to make sure Trinidad looks like a stake and not like a district in a year from now.
Name: J. K. Taylor
Subject: Trinidad & Tobago
Message: I was sent to work as a missionary in Trinidad and Tobago in early 1975 by then-President Howard J. Marsh. As noted, the work there was restrained by government restrictions that had been recently imposed due to scandals related to recent proselyting activities by another denomination. I worked there more or less continuously for about 5 months for stretches of 3-4 weeks with a brief return to Venezuela to renew a tourist visa and return with a differnt companion. We respected these restrictions and the travel back and forth was required to conform to visa regulations.
We stayed with families in Port-of-Spain, San Fernando, Point a Pierre, and Point Fortin, working with investigators in all of those areas. We came to know The Dobsons and Paynes. We encountered the Borde family when Basil Borde stopped to give us a lift on the way from city. Lucy Payne was baptized shorty before my final departure.
My time working in Trinidad was one of the most extraordinary periods of my life, and I shall never forget the warm spirit and hospitatlity of that place.
Refer: Source 6
Name: KyleBIG
Title: Mr. Dyson
Comments: Just a shout out to my son, Elder Dyson, serving in Trinidad right now.
May God Bless your Mission and make it fruitful.
Return With Honor