Jericho Project
What are your thoughts about the "Jericho Project" in Trinidad?
It is certainly a good thing and Trinidad needs more projects like this to help those who are really in need. Francis Fashion stepped up to the plate by giving away clothes and shoes so far. Other local celebrities have also lent their support to encourage others to donate.
Name: Howard
Comments: I'm keeping an eye on them.
Groups like these make me uneasy for some reason. They are a little too... Flashy.
I hope they actually have the orphans they're proposing to help at heart, and it's not just a big meet and greet.
Name: Liza
Comments: This group seems to be very serious and willing to assist in making some change in our society. I would love to be apart of this group as they seem focused on our children and getting what is right for them. Putting a hand in stopping the evils that has taken over our society's children.