Deep doctrine is only the doctrine that is acquire[d] through prayerful study of the scriptures with a true inten[t] to [..] better your own life and the life of others.
The truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ is as simple as his words to the meek and lowly or as sharp as to the admonitions to the proud and vain. The understanding of the doctrine of Christ is prove of the spiritual growth and maturity that we had acquired. For those that trample themselves on their own supposed inability to understand, needs be that we need to stand still and listen to the small voice of the spirit which would enhance within us our own abilities and capabilities of things we need to in really put into action in our lives. And just like bricks in a house we establish a good foundation of knowledge for our own benefit and that ultimately will brings us to the desire to know more or understand more but not for our benefit alone but for of our brothers in truths. In conclusion deep doctrine is... The intensity maturity of our spiritual being. We become more God like, increasing in knowledge and wisdom.
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