We are not to be feared... We are not people who worship the devil and can't stand when people think that. We are just people who don't believe that there is a god or a devil. We are still people who have morals... (At least most of us) and know right from wrong. Don't judge us without getting to know us and don't preach and try to change us please... Feel free to write your comments, questions, and feelings on this matter.. Hope to see lots of posts...
Often I find that atheists are more agnostic than athiest. Another interesting thing is I haven't really ever known a senior citizen who claimed to be athiest. Seems like as we get closer to death we can't accept the no God concept.
My father used to say all the time that he was an athiest and didn't believe in God. Now he is older he doesn't say that anymore. I am not saying he is now a religious person, just that he now apparently believes in God.
I will have to say that I am actually a true athiest (don't believe in god)although I do realize that there are a lot of people that say they are athiests and are actually agnostic. I know that for a lot of people, as they get older they want to have some hope in there life so it makes it easier for them to believe. Thanks for your input...
It's an interesting idea that people fear atheists -- I hadn't heard this before. I never have feared atheists -- and at one time thought that I was one (but I was just going through a phase ) I'm glad to know that you, personally, still value a moral lifestyle!
One of my nephews decided to become an atheist after, as he put it, serious prayer and study. Since he never got what he believed was an answer to sincere prayer, and he read many many books that deny the existence of God, he came to the conclusion that God does not exist.
How did you come to be an atheist?
It's an interesting idea that people fear atheists -- I hadn't heard this before. |
Here are my rants about the topic from a mindset of when I was a religious thinker;
Nothing personal at all, just my opinion
1. In the UK (Where I served my mission) the number one religion is atheism which commands 80% of the population believe it or not, so I can say I am 'versed' in meeting people of this belief system.
2. I do not fear atheists, I feel sorry for them, since it is not a matter of science as much as closing themselves to the unseen, spiritual part.
3. Atheism is in fact dangerous, because since the belief system bases itself on no God then that would mean no morals, no deliberation of right from wrong. 'Right' and 'Wrong' is based on majority and the ability to enforce the majority's desire.
Update: I no longer believe in points #2 and #3 above. Additionally, some of my follow on comments may reflect by old thought process.
Hey, What's up everyone....
Sorry that I haven't posted anything for a couple of weeks but it is because that I was out of town visiting my mother and she doesn't have a comp....
No one is judging you here.