Spot on Ninja. Religion is the basis for our morals in this country for one. Whether people are atheists or not their morals are formed by the religious culture. This will fade as religion fades. Without objective morals we will go by subjective ones. Who says what is right or wrong? The Soviet Union is an example of human made morality. All we can do is hope for the best I suppose.
Yes, I agree regarding religion. I think without it our morals will deteriorate rather quickly. I think the reason they are deteriorating the way they are now is due to our fading belief in religion. Our world has become so secular that everyone is wrapped up in themselves and doesn't have time for anything larger… like religion or the morals religion teaches us.
Name: William
Comments: For me atheism will be the future for most people but not in its current form. There needs to be a better collective response to religion that isn't here yet.
Atheism might sound like it makes sense but really all it turns out to be is hopelessness. Imagine a person in bondage or suffering being told when you die that's it then what's the point of living? People keep living each day because there is a hope that there is a better tomorrow, that what they suffer is to teach them something for the next life. Take away that and then what is life worth?
I do not think that being an Atheist means no hope Chief, it just means there is no one being who created us.
There is hope for the future through your children and teaching others to be kind and get along and not to be bigoted towards others skin tone, hair style, race, or religion.
Some of the best people I have met who live and adhere to very good standards are atheist. They are content and when they error they feel it is human to do so. They have not to worry god will punish them but they just make atonement to the offended.
A better tomorrow is given through teaching your self and other to be better not praying to a God to do so on your behalf or some miracle cure, is the way I think most Atheist feel. After all greed and hate run deep in all religions, though often the values of the religion teach the opposite.
So no I do not think atheists are not to be feared only the people and groups of people who tell us that no one else should have opinions or personal belief system that differ in any aspect need to be feared.
William glade you posted but do you not think that Atheism is a religion?
While most Atheists are nice people, I feel that they are missing something. I do not fear them or any one else as I feel that I am in a good place and if my time has come then so be it.
I have no issue talking to any religious person no matter what faith or lack of faith they desire to live. I feel each of us has our own journey in life and how we choose to make that journey is up to us as individuals and no one can tell another what is right or wrong for that persons path.