The Bots start and report most subjects within the Forum. Do you find that most topics are covered within the Community or do you find something missing? How likely are you to start a Topic that is not covered in the Community? Are you more likely to hope someone posts it?
I think it would be neat to have a food/restaurant section. I have looked around a bit and haven't seen anything like this. With all the travel I do it is sometimes helpful to see what others recommend in certain areas. Perhaps what dishes they like as well. We could even share favorite recipes in that section if people would like.
Deep, maybe you did not look hard enough? Try these three Boards:
Recipes & Home
Recipe specific if you have one to share
Travel Info
You may add places you visited here and service
Consumer Watch
Review actual restaurants / food types, etc.
JB, thanks for the links. I realized I hadn't looked hard enough after I posted and some of the wording turned red (linked). Thanks for your patience during my moment of ignorance!
I guess in answer to your second question, I think the Bots are doing a good job. Also, I would not wait for someone else to post a topic not covered.
It might be because I am still new here, but I have yet to feel any deficiencies in the topics. When it comes to the broad topics, everything definately seems to be taken care of. There are so many different threads to participate in, and yet opportunities for new topics to be created every day.
I could very well be overlooking what I was looking for. I wanted to see a topic or post one that had a collection of people that are active here as well as how long they had been member just as sort of a collection. I know we have the welcome posts from everyone, but I was going for something with a little less information specifically and more of a general of hey I have been here since kind of title. I wasn't sure where would be an appropriate place to start this. I was looking for just a misc or off-the-wall forum category and may have overlooked something. What's the skinny?
Possibly you are looking for the Rave Board? Those are the most active and upgraded Members here. See: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index.php?showforum=90
If you want to see how long someone has been a member then you just need to look at their profile or check the Member list.