Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points

Points Core Posts Posts Fp Forum Points - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 25th Jul, 2008 - 10:41pm

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Posts: 6 - Views: 23633
Posting, CPosts and other items related to your Messages are explained in this Thread. How you earn it and lose it. Also has information about Florena.
2nd Dec, 2003 - 2:03am / Post ID: #

Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points

Some Quick Definitions

FP = "Forum Points", a Community point based reward system for participation.
CPosts = "Core Posts", your writings in key Topics that are usually not Role-playing Game or Jokes related.
Posts = The total of all your writings in the Community even if they are Role-playing Game related.

Note: If you are using a Mobile phone then you can see these via your profile. If you are using a wide screen, like a desktop then you will see them under your avatar in Posts.

A Short Explanation

The numbers that go up and down underneath your Avatar are like a statistic system. It shows the number of Posts, CPosts and FP you have among other things. FP is short for "Forum Points", a point system in the Community you can use to bypass doors and access features on the site faster than if you did not have them. (See more below)

How Do I Get More Forum Points?

You get Forum Points / FP in 3 distinct ways:

1. Though Posting in the Topics - Basically, you go to our Board Index or See the Active Topics and constructively Reply to them. When you do you get FP.

2. Making a Donation - The people that run this place are Autism Parents with many challenges. While we provide all this for free the upkeep is not free from expenses. Therefore, if you will like to make a monetary Donation it will help out a lot! You can Donate directly towards gaining more FP or have a special Premium account which gives you access to more features. See: Compare Membership.

3. Participating in Contests - If we have any current Contests running they will be mentioned here: Community News, FAQ & Feedback

More on Post Count & FP

When you Post in a Thread (Topic) your post count may or may not go up depending on where you post. You see post number represents 'quality' posts and not just rants. When you post a message you get something called, 'FP' which is short for 'Forum Points'. FP is the system of credit in the Community. FP allows you to participate in games, choose items to enhance your profile and so forth. The more FP you have the more things you are able to do outside the realms of Discussion.

Important Note: Some Players / Members may think that they can spam the Community with nonsensical comments to Topics in the hope that they can quickly accumulate FP. This isn't a good idea because your Posts will be deleted and FP will be deducted from your account. Therefore, comment in Topics where you can genuinely give an opinion worth reading.

More On Forum Points

Basically, you do not get a flat 1 forum point for 1 post. Depending on where you post you may get less than 1 point or more than 1 point! For instance in the Jokes board you might get 0.10 FP for a new post, but nothing for a reply. Therefore, you are awarded for starting a joke, but not for replying that you like the joke. The Real Estate Board might give you as much as 2 FP per Post!

The amount of content within a Post is also relevant. The more you write in a Post the more FP you gain because a reward for length is given. A sentence will give you a standard amount, but a paragraph will give you a bonus.

To know how much FP a Board gives out simply look at the Key of each Board's Index.

How To Gain FP

Forum points can primarily be earned through Posting messages in the Forum, but you can also gain them faster by making a small Donation towards Premium Membership or for FP alone. (Thanks! *wink* Your contribution supports the work of JB and his long years of providing a troll free, spam free, constructive Community like no where else!

Bonus FP: If you are the Top Poster after 24 hours (Checked 12am GMT) then you get 100 FP! To see the Top Posters: Top Posters (24 hours) and / or details of this daily Contest: Today's Top Poster.

Referral System: Refer My Friends

What is the difference between CPosts & Posts

CPosts are your CORE Posts or "CPosts" For short. Your CPosts represent Posts you've made in the Community that are not part of role-playing games, Jokes or Intros. In other words your Posts that matter. This let's Members know what your involvement in the Community is based on. Members may have hundreds of Posts but not really be participating in the Community's Core Topics.

Posts is simply a total or all the Posts you made regardless of the Board.


Old methods of earning FP:

2. Rating us once per day or Adopting a Forum Pet (Called 'Munjpet' *wink*

3. Exchange luck points earned on Love & Life Bytes Role-playing Game

4. Exchange job pay earned on Cozyville Role-playing Game

5. Winning the forum lottery, lottery plus, forum held contest, or raffle. Sometimes there are also Contests for FREE Upgrades. You need to check the Contest Board to see what is available.

6. Being voted Member of the Month

Keywords: Earn FP, Get FP, Free FP.

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16th Apr, 2004 - 1:47am / Post ID: #

Points Forum FP and Posts Posts Core Points

Can members steal FP (forum points) from other members? A. Yes, Be Careful!

Due to greed in the cyber world MrSmith and the Enforcers have been fighting forum members and Agents (hired) who are now capable of stealing forum points from you! It is wise to get the protection necessary to recover from this. How do you get protection? Make sure to hire the Enforcers or buy insurance!

Wait a sec, is this a joke? Nope, members can go to the Forum Shop and purchase tickets to steal from other members, there is risk involved, but they can try, if they are successful then they get your hard earned FP! All related items are shown with a
red gem icon.

To access the Forum Shop use the forum menu or site map or just go here: Forum Shop Click on 'Buy Items' to see a list of items available for purchase.

Q. Is stealing from other members legal on the forum? A. Yes, it is just for fun, but if you find you are being repeatedly attacked out of spite then do contact us or hire some Forum Enforcers via the Shop.

7th Oct, 2004 - 4:09pm / Post ID: #

Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points Feedback & FAQ News Community

Bank Lender

NOTE: You must be part of the Cozyville Role-playing Game to receive a loan. You should also have a 'Skilled' level job.

The BankLender is a bot that selects members in good standing and offers them a loan based on certain conditions. To agree to take the loan you must simply reply in the affirmative (That you agree and want the loan) to the bot via the same post he offered you the loan.

Q. Can I negotiate with the BankLender?
A. No.

Q. Does he always offer the same loan?
A. No.

Q. Can I make a request for a loan?
A. Yes, via his Rave thread. You will need to be specific as far as the loan amount and terms for which you wish to pay back.

Q. How do I know if the BankLender agrees to my request?
A. The BankLender will reply to you within your intro or Rave thread.

Q. How does the bot decide what to give as a loan?
A. It is calculated based on your group status, participation, current FP, warning level, and post count.

9th Jan, 2005 - 7:52pm / Post ID: #

Points Forum FP and Posts Posts Core Points

Q. I had a certain post count and now it is suddenly lower, how come?
A. When a message of yours is deleted your post count does not automatically adjust itself. If you had messages deleted in the past then when the Administrator recounts posts (Whenever that is...) your correct figure of actual posts made will show.

Q. I had a certain amount of FP and now it is suddenly lowered, how come?
A. Beware of the power of your click. You may be buying a service that costs FP. This is true when click on a user's CP, visiting the Shop, Playing in the Arcade, etc.

Q. Other members always congratulate me when I reach 'x' post count, what happens if I am constantly lowered because of the recount?
A. First of all why is it necessary to congratulate someone for reaching 'x' post count? If we are about quality and not quantity then it should not matter. For that matter who started that? I can understand if some praise is given to a new user for reaching 'x' posts as a way of encouragement, but it seems that everyone is posting when someone reaches what they consider a high post count. For instance: 'Congrats for reaching 300', then a little while later 'Congrats for reaching '400' and so on... When does it stop?

Q. Yes, but I like to have a high post count and when the recount is done I have a lower number and it seems like I lost a lot of posts - shouldn't you correct that?
A, No, we can't it is part of the system and it happens to all of us... I have crossed the 10,000 barrier enough times that I should be on... hmm... Maybe 15,000, but it is no biggie to me since as I said before... It is not about number of posts you have. In fact you will notice that I have even taken post count from certain Boards that do not really add up to Intellectual Discussion. I think everyone is becoming so engulfed with features, numbers, FP and games that they forget the foundation of this Community is Intellectual Discussion and all the rest are just added features... Nothing more.

Q. Why are some things so expensive?
A. The cost equals either the amount of work involved, the expense we went through in creating it and / or possible bandwidth use. In some cases it is also to prevent abuse of the system.

Q. I have reached 300,000.00 FP in my bank account, but I do not appear to be getting interest on it, how come?
A. Bank will not give interest for anything above 300,000.00. The reason for this is because this number can easily get out of hand and be multiplied into the millions since interest is calculated daily as opposed to monthly.

2nd Feb, 2005 - 12:24am / Post ID: #

Points Forum FP and Posts Posts Core Points

user posted image

More About Florena
History & Concept

First of all it is important to understand that everything has a reason. Florena was introduced when FP became valuable. When did it become valuable? When there were loads of features introduced to the community! Before that no one cared about points / FP or anything else except just posting - which in actuality is what is the main reason of this community. Everything else is simply EXTRA. Since these extra features caused an increase in resources we had to offset it with something that would balance all the goodies being used so it would not be one-sided and members would end up using the extras rather than posting. Thus Florena was introduced!

Who is that Chic?

Florena is a bot. If you do not know what a bot is then look up the thread about it within the FAQ Board. She is the opposite of the other bots in that she does not enforce any rules or welcome anyone, she simply provides balance. Thus, if you can win lots of FP in the Forum lottery then you can also lose lots of FP - thus there is balance.

What is the Extent of Her Powers?

1. She attacks randomly on certain pages, sometimes you will just see her appear suddenly, take FP and leave. When she does this then the amount of FP taken is small.

2. She attacks in certain games of chance - this is her favorite place of attack as she loves to bother those who want to mingle their hands in risk.

Does Her Power Grow?

Yes, as we get more features that basically give free FP then we will have a chance to get it back.

Can We Immunize?

Yes, there is a feature via the shop available to help protect you against #1. You can look for it there, but this will not protect you from risk attacks (#2).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can Florena take FP from me as other members do?
A. Not really, unless she is specifically directed to do so by those of the other side. However, other members with thugs or even with their own strength can attack your FP and so it is necessary for you to take out insurance.

Q. Which pages does Florena attack?
A. You will have to figure that on your own. You can discuss it in the 'Revenge' thread via the Member Wars Board. However we can let you know two things:
1. It is NOT done in posts, threads or messages.
2. In the pages that she DOES attack it is only done randomly, so the more you 'hang' out there the more of a chance of attack.

Q. How can I know the number of Protection Tickets I have left?
A. Forum Shop --> Verify Protection.

Q. I use the Forum Bank to protect my FP, can Florena attack it there?
A. No, but if Florena tries to attack you and you do not have FP she looks for other potential resources.

25th Jul, 2008 - 10:41pm / Post ID: #

Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points

Bank Interest

Members who deposit their FP into the Cozyville Bank get interest on their FP every three days days. However to qualify for interest you must:

1. Have FP in the Cozyville Bank**

2. Not be have less than 1FP on hand

3. Own and care for a Munjpet

4. Have at least a Spouse in Cozyville

5. Made at least one Post within the last four days

** To be part of Cozyville you must be at least a Premium Member

Q. Why do we have to do so much to get FP?
A. You are earning interest every three days as opposed to quarterly or monthly. Also it prevents Members who don't even login for weeks from getting FP unless they are actually active in the Community.

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> TOPIC: Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points


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