A Grandmother's Gift

A Grandmother' S Gift - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 6th Jan, 2011 - 3:27am

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Post Date: 6th Jan, 2011 - 3:14am / Post ID: #

A Grandmother's Gift
A Friend

A Grandmother's Gift

I come from a very close-knit and large-ish extended family. In this, I am very fortunate, as there has always been family by my side through the triumphs and tragedies.

One in particular is my maternal grandmother, she was a teacher, a humanitarian and a unique individual blessed with being able to see the good in everyone, no matter their past or present actions. Most of all, she is an inspiration, her sudden passing from us last August, does not lessen any of that.

Grandma was a teacher for 35 years in rural Australia, starting during World War 2. She was a member of the LDS Church for many years, where she was very active in the Church. Most of all, she was a best friend to everyone, family and friend alike.

Last August, Grandma went into hospital to find out why she was losing blood. The news was bad - on a Friday, she and we were all told that she had ovarian cancer and secondary tumours.

On Saturday, she and we were told that the cancer was terminal, that she did not have long. Grandma's response to that?

She turned to the doctor, held his hand with both of hers and said very kindly,

"Thank you, Doctor, that must have been hard for you to tell me, but I am ready"

On the Sunday, Grandma met with her Bishop, she also met with everyone, one by one - I was 3000km away, so I spoke to her by phone. What was said was and still is between my Grandma and me.

On the Sunday, Grandma asked my mum,

"Is this the room that I will go to my Heavenly Father in?"

Mum could barely speak the answer "Yes" to the comfort of Grandma.

On the Monday morning, I received the phone call that no one likes to receive - that my beloved Grandma had passed away.

I still taught that day, but rather than falling in a heap in sadness, I felt a calmness come over me, and I made it through that day and the next.

At Grandma's funeral, I was the first relative to stand and speak, I read a poem written by my cousin and I read my tribute to this remarkable lady. Just for a moment, I felt her standing there, hand on my shoulder. Once again, I felt at peace.

Many relatives spoke about her, the eulogy was read by her four children, music was played.

Members of her Church, including the Bishop spoke of her - all shedding a tear.

Grandma was ready to go, her Faith was cast-iron. Her kindness is forever.

Grandma always knew where I was headed, even if sometimes, I forgot.

Thank you and I love you, Grandma.

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6th Jan, 2011 - 3:27am / Post ID: #

Gift Grandmothers A

Damien, what you wrote made me cry because it reminded me of my own grandmother who passed away few years ago. She was also an extraordinary woman and I miss her a lot.

It seems like you miss your grandma too but I am pretty sure she is watching over you and proud of your many accomplishments.

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