Iron Man Anime
What is your review for the entertainment value of the Anime TV Series called, "Iron Man Anime"?
Tony Stark is a physicist, an engineer, and the CEO of a major arms manufacturing company. On a battlefield he is injured from his own weapons and taken prisoner by terrorists. In order to keep his own heart beating, he creates the Ironman Suit and escapes. Once free, Stark decides to dedicate his life to pursuing world peace with the Ironman technology, so he moves to Japan to use the resources of "Lab 23," home of the world's first Arc Reactor. Wanting to devote himself fully to this research, Stark decides to retire as Ironman and announce the mass-production of suits to fulfill his duties. But at the announcement ceremony he is attacked by the mysterious organization known as "Zodiac," and his plans have to change.
Iron Man Anime (Hover)
Iron Man 2011 Season 1 Episode 1 - In an effort to make amends for his weapons manufacturing past, Tony Stark has dedicated himself to building the world up rather than tearing it down. Traveling to Japan to build a new arc reactor that will deliver unlimited free energy to the Japanese people, Stark is challenged by the Japanese government and the media when he attempts to import the necessary nuclear priming device. And when the reactor-in-construction is repeatedly attacked by the mysterious Zodiac consortium, Stark must gather his allies to take on Zodiac and its mastermind.
Iron Man Anime (Hover)
Iron Man 2011 Season 1 Episode 2 - Stark must clear his name after he is accused of smuggling plutonium into Japan aboard a cargo ship.
The Japanese are moving away from their own traditional characters to the Western versions. I have not seen this but do they keep the same story and background of the character or are they blending in the typical Japanese way of cartooning?
Iron Man 2011 Season 1 Episode 3 - Hurricanes rise for two scientists, and Stark uncovers a project involving weather control.
Iron Man 2011 Season 1 Episode 5 - Stark probes an epidemic that broke out near the Arc Station.
Iron Man 2011 Season 1 Episode 6 - Stark finds a computer virus in the Arc Station, which threatens the city's systems.