Wait, are you looking for an avatar?
NOTE: This is NOT about your avatar (the image you see of yourself when you post messages), for information about that go here
Photo Gallery
Location: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index.php?act=photoalbum
This allows upgraded members to upload pictures of various things they would like comments on such as family, art work, pets, etc. Such members can upload up to five images. You should try to compress the photo before uploading so that it is under 50kb.
Hot or Not Gallery
Location: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index.php?act=gal
This allows members in general to upload ONE photo of themselves and then have others rate it. It must be a photo of YOU only. You should try to compress the photo before uploading so that it is under 25kb.
Q. Do I have to be an upgraded member to participate in 'Hot or Not'?
A. No, anyone can participate.
Q. How many photos can I upload?
A. One is all your need to be rated.
Q. Can I have a 'Hot or Not Gallery' of my own?
A. Yes, if you are a Platinum member.
Q. I am a Platinum member, but do not see my own 'Hot or Not Gallery'?
A. You need to enable it by clicking on the link called, 'My Gallery Options' and then choosing to 'Enable' your gallery.
Q. Doesn't rating someone's photo seem kind of offensive?
A. If it offends you do not participate!
Q. Can't someone vote over and over for a photo?
A. No, certain records are kept about your vote that prevent this for a period of time.
Q. Can I upload a picture of me where people are in the background?
A. Only if the picture does not actually show the faces of those people then it may be okay.