Your thoughts are interesting JB, but what I want to know are your answers to the questions you asked in the original post about 4 races on an island.
I think your ideas surrounding colder climates needing to develop faster in order to survive is very good. Now, what about 4 races on an island? How do you answer those questions?
The questions cannot be answered really unless you have some predetermined outcome in your mind based on past experiences. The idea behind the thread is not skin color as much as if race actually affects your decisions. To answer that one would in effect need to be racial or God in my opinion.
Well i prefer to answer your original question JB, as i am not quite as versed in the topic of religion as you and tenaheff seem to be.
in short, i do not believe that a persons race causes them to have embedded qualities. I firmly believe that historical circumstances have caused these qualities to surface. Who really knows how slavery began? There are several speculations, one of which is that Africa's climate made it quite difficult for farming to be done, which led to the malnourishment of its people. This in turn led to Africans needing to employ themselves as cheap labour. Europeans took advantage of the surplus of this cheap labour and sooner or later, Africans were working for nothing as slaves, with no rights.
My point is therefore, that, if you place four races on an island, with different climates, and Africans settle in more temperate areas, while Europeans settle in the desert areas, who knows...soon there might be Africans with European slaves.
This may seem like a very simplified answer, but this is my belief...history and society's bond to history, have moulded races into what they are today.
well JB, i am of the belief that all races evolved from one race....I dont know which race it was, or if that race even exists today. But i think that, as these races evolved, they moved to different lands where there were various weather conditions. According to Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory, the strongest in a pack will survive and evolve. This, i see is true when dealing with Human evolution. Those who enhabited warmer regions, and who could have dealt with the extreme heat, developed immunity towards it by changing pigments, thus the African race. Also, if you notice, Eskimos have squinted eyes, which is said to have been caused by years of squinting against the strong snows in the Arctics.
So, by observation, we see that races, in many instances, adapt to their environment by forming resistances against their environment. This is why, when travelling, say to India, we would have to take several vaccines to protect us against the diseases which, those in India themselves, are not affected by.
Therefore, in forming a question such as the one you did, it is difficult to determine how any race would act, given that we assume there is no history or cultural background....due to my belief, that races came about due to environmental circumstances. Also, it is thus my belief that races do not tend to different environments, but that the environment FORCED races to adapt to it is a matter of cause and effect
Interesting concept. I do believe that all races came from one, but cannot go much into that without touching on Adam.
As for your theory... it would be strange for a race to pic the arctic as a dwelling place wouldn't it? Makes you wonder why tropical countries are not owned by world powers?
well...remember Trinidad is a tropical island...and to me..we have a really slow, laidback kinda you never know...a tropical environment may encourage a more laid-back attitude. Maybe that would explain the attitudes of our politicians eh?... :-->
Maybe that would explain the attitudes of our politicians eh?.. |