Member Ranks
To see Member Ranks My Rank
Q. What does it mean to have a rank?
A. As members post messages they go up in position. For instance, a member with 30 posts becomes a 'Junior Member'.
Q. What about a list to see what I need to get to the next level?
A. Just go to the Rank page via the Rave Board or click here
Q. I notice some members have ranks like 'mature' and Role-playing Game' how did these members get these?
A. Some are earned, some are given...
Mature - those who are not normally childish in their posts are given access to the mature board.
Role-playing Game - those who have 30 posts and over and want to play Role-playing Game
Moderator - they enforce the rules and help members, this is only given by Admin.
Mature Access
Mature Access is no longer offered to regular Members, only to those who Upgrade and are of course Mature enough to handle the subject matter therein. Those who already have Mature status that are not Upgraded will not be affected and will keep their current Mature Status if they have it. To Upgrade, please view the Compare Page and then proceed to make the Donation.