What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?

What Kind Fish Put Tank - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 12th Dec, 2003 - 12:43am

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Post Date: 7th Dec, 2003 - 7:06pm / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?
A Friend

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?

Ok, I just recently got one of those male beta fish. I know that you can't put two male beta fish in the same tank without causing stress and them fighting til there is only one of them in the tank. Although the male beta fish can make his air, I don't need to have an air filter on the tank. Plus it's not a very big tank. But the tank needs to be cleaned at least twice a week. To remedy the problem, we got an algae (sp?) eater for the tank, but it appears that my beta fish has become quite agressive to the algae eater.

Now my question is, what kind of algae eater can I put in the tank with my beta fish and it not keep attacking it?

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8th Dec, 2003 - 3:00am / Post ID: #

Tank In Put You Fish Kind What

Now my question is, what kind of algae eater can I put in the tank with my beta fish and it not keep attacking it?

I don't know much about fishes but I do know that beta fishes are aggressive in nature and they rather to be alone. They don't make great community type of fishes. I researched also on the net about it and it says the same thing, they do not want to be with other 'friends' in the tank whether they're male betas or not. It seems like you will have to clean the aquarium often wink.gif

Post Date: 8th Dec, 2003 - 3:21am / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?
A Friend

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I had one of those fishy's once. I love how bright and colorful they are. hehe. I can't answer your question sad.gif Sorry. I don't think any fish can live with those, i just cleaned the bowl once a week.

Post Date: 8th Dec, 2003 - 6:09am / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?
A Friend

Tank In Put You Fish Kind What

Hey I have a beta fish too. His name is Ormus II (my first beta fish Ormus died, so this one is Ormus II biggrin.gif) Well you can call him only Ormus anyway.

We have 2 plastic plants to "furnish" his tank but he doesn't fight them. What kind of algae eater have you got? Could you explain how it is? Maybe your fish sees it as an intruder in his territory :-/

If he doesn't get used to it, take the algae eater off, what else can you do?

Reconcile Edited: darkagent on 8th Dec, 2003 - 6:11am

Post Date: 10th Dec, 2003 - 9:12am / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?
A Friend

Tank In Put You Fish Kind What

Well two hours after I posted this thread, my beta fish (Rhiannon that's what I called mine) had killed the algae eater. It really bites too. I even had to take the plant out of the tank. I think my fish is just silly cuz it kept gettin hung up in the plant smile.gif-->rolleyes.gif But with all the chemicals they have in our drinking water, I have to clean the tank twice a week or I can't see thru the water.

I'm sorta glad Shady didn't pay extra for some of those ghost shrimp (algae eaters also) cuz then I think Rhiannon would be taking a nice little ride down thru the porcelain tank. Oh well, I'll just have to figure something else out. I may end up having to get something for the water, cuz it's really looking yucky right now.

11th Dec, 2003 - 5:22pm / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?

Miss Shady -- try those little snails that just cruise the tank. They are slow, of course, being snails smile.gif but they do clean very well, and maybe by being slow, the beta won't find them threatening. Maybe you could just get ONE and see what old Rhiannon does with that... then if he doesn't kill it, you can get a couple more.


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Post Date: 12th Dec, 2003 - 12:43am / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Fish Can You Put In A Tank?
A Friend

What Kind Fish You Put In Tank

Thanks for the tip Farseer. I really appreciate it. I will look into getting some of those snails and see how Rhiannon does react to them. Hopefully, he won't over react to bad with one. Thanks again. ^^

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