This Thread will be used to examine the Mormon interpretation for the word(s) / name(s) called "Noah" from the scriptures. What does Noah mean in the literal sense and in scripture as Mormons know it?
Mormon definition of Noah.
Someone brought up this question and I didn't know how to answer if anyone can help please do. Noah collected every animal of the earth to fit in the ark so does that mean that animals that are unique to certain places surrounded by water crossed the water to get to the ark? Also how did Noah get them all back around the world? I was stumped by this one!
Noah was the Archangel Gabriel, it was his calling to bridge one dispensation into the next, pre and post Flood.
As for gathering the Animals, who knows what they really had at their disposal, and if animals felt the call to come, then most of the work was done for Noah. Then not only did they need to collect clean and unclean animals, finding ones which maybe were unpolluted DNA Wise, is another thing, see my notes below.
Taking a skim reading of the Scriptures and Church historical writings, it appears that the continents were not broken up and divided until, at the time of Tower of Babel and the confusion of tongues/languages. Up until then, one land mass maybe.
Not pushing all of these things to be correct and true, but open free ideas are the beginning of eventual truth.
You have a few who believe that there is a hallow earth or of sorts, and the Garden of Eden was there, and Noah was flushed out to the outer world, at the time of the flood. The Scriptures seem to fit that scenario, but not sure how correct or accurate that is.
Of course, for God, nothing is impossible. We see the time before the Flood as a time of more primitive culture, like after the flood. But reading the Book of Jasher, gives one to believe that it may of been somewhat as advanced technological as we are today and even more so, but maybe not as mass produced and available as we have today.
The Book of Jasher seems to say, that it was not just man's pride and turning from God, that warranted the Flood. It talks about even the animal kingdom being polluted and etc. The Spirit lead me to feel that they had the technology to do gene hybrid splicing between different animals and the plant kingdom, even humans. I have to wonder if some of the legends about Atlantis or another older Atlantis, and about animal human hybrids has some merit.
It seems God cleansed the earth of these unclean things with the flood, besides the pride and immorality and perversion of man. We are here again, at the door of such things today. Why would we think so highly of ourselves, that we are the only ones who have made such advances in only a couple hundred years, when man has had thousands of years. For the same reasons that God hinds the things of the secret combinations from us, to stop its spread, what other things has God concealed from us, for our own good, until we are ready for them.