I am sort of leaning towards reinarnation... I always thought this was the ultimate puzzler. I think of reincarnation because I just couldn't think of anything else happening, my life ending, and nothing after that? I am never to live again? I beleive after you have died, you will come back as a different life. I really think heaven and hell seem a bit farfetched for sure, since we have no REAL proof that Jesus Christ was ever actually alive. I just think it would be funny, living the life of someone else and never knowing who I ever was in an earlier life, but then how could you know you are even yourself? If you came back as someone else, how could you even be you, with different thoughts and beleifs and all? This thought really scares me, guess I'll just have to wait until then, but I'm hoping it's not the "everything ends, no more life or being" choice.
I really think heaven and hell seem a bit farfetched for sure, since we have no REAL proof that Jesus Christ was ever actually alive. |
I agree fully with Tena about the fact that it is widely known and accepted that Jesus did live. In high school, when we studied religion in my humanities class, we acknowledged that Jesus, Muhammad, etc were considered prophets and did live, it was just disputed whether or not the spiritual beliefs associated with them were actually true.
I do believe in an afterlife. I know I was sent to the earth to perform my own personal mission, and my goal is to leave this place better than I found it in any way that I can. For me, mortality is a necessary stop on the road of eternal progression.
I think that there is life after death, in the form of rencarnation. The belief that once we die, we come back as something that best suits us for what we did in are ladder life. Such as if your a mass murder, you might come back as a cockroach and be killed as soon as you are born, and repeat this many times maybe, but if you are a good person, never harming anyone at all, you might come back another person and have a great life again.
Well im not 100% sure what i believe..although i lean more towards the notion of reincarnation. Many people use this as a rationale for the fears that some people face. For example, some people have an inexplainable fear of water..without ever having bad childhood experiences with it. Some people claim that this type of fear comes from a past life experience still left in the subconscious..that is..the person may have died by drowning in his/her past life.
It has also been said that those you meet in your life..you have also met in previous lives. This is supposed to explain why you feel instant kinship with some people when u first meet them...and with others you may get a bad feeling about...because you knew them in your past life/lives. Im not sure how much i believe in either of these theories..but theyre interesting nonetheless.
Me too. I do not really know what to believe. I think it is interesting that the concept of reincarnation is ever thought of in the first place. And for some in the Orient, you can actually consult some medium to find out what your past life was. I too, used to think that I am here in this world for a purpose ..... but I am more blurry now as I grow older. Kind of ironic that I am more confused or unsure as I grow older and learn more.
I would like to say that the concept of reincarnation can explain things up to a certain extent, but its quite difficult to understand that this cycle goes on within the same realm or plane. Look around, with all the development going on in the modern world a lot of species have been exterminated. So, does that mean the usual cylce of life will be aberated? And if I take the number of living organisms (including human) back, say a millenium or two, will that number still be the same today? Is it a zero sum game? And if it is, isn't it a bit of a human function as to what levels a person gets to be reincarnated into? What I am trying to say here is that we, humans, have exterminated a lot of 'pests' species, and at the same time have procreated ourselves at an increasing rate ....... does that mean the 'persons' targeted for reincarnation will now have more chances of being move upwards rather than coming back as a lower life? Mathematically it will be so, but that contradicts the spiritual aspects of the reincarnation concept which espouses that a bad person comes back relegated to a lower level of life.
Does my muse here make sense to you all? Maybe it is easier to just take it that once we are gone, we are gone except in the living memory of our loved ones.
I was raised Catholic, but I don't practice it anymore. Still, I believe that there is some kind of life after death. I don't have any proof, it's just what I believe. I also believe that heaven is whatever you think it will be. If you believe that there is a paradise where you can be with all the loved ones who have gone before then that is what heaven will be for you. I'm not sure that there is a hell though. I think that if you have an evil heart then you will spend eternity feeling the pain you have caused others.