
Racism - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 9th Jan, 2004 - 7:39am

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Post Date: 9th Dec, 2003 - 4:32am / Post ID: #

A Friend


I've never really been a target of racism but like I watch movies or the news about it and likes it gets me so mad to see people hating another person just because that person is black or white. Its like hating youself we are all really from one race the human race. Like if you took a black person and a white person and like opened them up u would see they both have the same stuff inside: a heart a brain, lungs and every thing. So hating someone just because they have a different skin color is being ignorant and dumb. This world would be so much better if people stopped being racist and embraced other peoples differences. But like i doubt this will never happen we are a society that will not work together and live in harmony. So what are your opinions about racism?

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9th Dec, 2003 - 5:26pm / Post ID: #


So what are your opinions about racism?

I think racism is something that we will never really get rid of the society. We as human beings discriminate people all the time, maybe not about race but in other issues. 'She's too fat' 'He's an atheist' 'She is a single mom' and so on...we stereotype people all the type.
Racism is something so old like the Earth itself. I personally cannot understand it because of the same reasons you gave Xtra. But people suffer of this every day in their lives. I have been twice a victim of it when I was living in Maryland. Once in a store a crazy old woman told me to 'go back where I come from' (you don't want hear what I answered to that laugh.gif ). And the second one was at a store also, when the owner wanted me to leave my bag there and shop and based on her words 'because this is the store policy' and I was seeing all the rest of the clients with their own bags with them. They seem me hispanic and the first thing they think is 'She's not educated, she cannot speak english and she's poor'. And all these are assumptions just based on my race!. I went to a hospital once when I was in the States and the nurse who was an American started speaking Spanish to me, I could not understand why because I haven't say even hello as yet and I answered her back in English, she continued asking me questions in Spanish and I continued answering her in English until she paused and said 'Oh, you speak English!' and I said 'Yeppp', and then she answered 'Oh, I'm sorry we are not accostum to hear Spanish people speaking English, most of them, don't'. What an assumption I thought! Wasn't better for her to ask me first if I speak English?. *rolling eyes*. And the attitute changes once they hear you are speaking English and they know you a have a college education, I think to myself 'Hypocrites!'.
No matter where I go, I will always be a 'Minority' (unless I go back to live to my own country wink.gif ). I don't personally care whoever think what of me, I know myself and I love myself and that's all it matters to me.

Racism is something that some people do not think it exists or they don't give importance to it because they have not suffered it but it does exists and it is real. Here where I'm living in Trinidad is a extremely racist country. Its funny because when people think about racism they always think of white people being racist towards the black ones. But half of the population here is black and the other half is Indian and they are always being racist to each other, even in the Government. The rest of the population who are the minorities are the whites, chinese, spanish, and syrians.
So racism is not always what we think it is. The minorities in general like the blacks, spanish and others are very racial also.

Post Date: 1st Jan, 2004 - 12:20am / Post ID: #

A Friend

Racism Health & Special Psychology

No matter who we are, we are all victims of racism...its a really terrible thing but..i supose if u can truely understand it..its not so bad. It really shows weakness in the weilder of racism...and if u are strong enuf to understand that, the pain will not run as deep. I get racism too...believe it or not. Im judged because im white all the time.. stupid rich white boy...stuck up..and so muhc more...im not complaining because im sure u all have it off worse..sorry lds cry.gif

2nd Jan, 2004 - 6:30pm / Post ID: #


stupid rich white boy...stuck up..and so muhc more...im not complaining because im sure u all have it off worse..sorry lds

Yes, white people are the center of racism too. When I was in Baltimore some of the African-Americans there had such an attitute towards anybody who was not black....and then I realized that not always the white is the racist but the black also and in all races actually. sad.gif

2nd Jan, 2004 - 8:48pm / Post ID: #


I think part of the problem is we are comfortable around those who we think are like us. People of the same religion tend to hang together. People of the same age group. People who are married hang with other married couples. People with kids the same age, etc. Race is just one more example of this.

When I lived in Maryland and attended a business school, I was a minority being white. There were 3 other white women besides me in the entire school! Wasn't a huge school, but still. Most of the teachers were black. I found the prejudices towards me as a white student were similar to what I have found exists from whites towards blacks.

For example, this one teacher I had (whom I really liked), kept confusing me with the other white girl in the class. She could never keep us straight. The other white girl had long blond hair and was about 4 inches shorter than me. I had dark brown short hair. I remember joking with the teacher that I understood how she couldn't keep us straight because "we all look a like." This is not a true statement, yet it is what a lot of "white" people think of blacks. It isn't true for them either!

Another example is someone said to me, "I'm cool, I have a white friend." This is exactly what some whites try to say when saying they aren't prejudice. They will say "some of my best friends are black."

The point is, just like LDS says, prejudice exists everywhere. The difference is that in society as a whole, it is the prejudice from whites that can do the most harm because at the moment it is mostly whites in positions of power. I believe this is why we only hear of problems with prejudice when it is coming from a white towards a non-white.

Like xtra said, we are all the same on the inside. We are all human. However, each race and ethnicity has it's own unique culture and this often causes misunderstandings which then leads to racism. We need to learn to embrace each others differences, not be intimidated by them.

Reconcile Edited: tenaheff on 2nd Jan, 2004 - 8:51pm

3rd Jan, 2004 - 2:22am / Post ID: #


Another example is someone said to me, "I'm cool, I have a white friend." This is exactly what some whites try to say when saying they aren't prejudice. They will say "some of my best friends are black."

laugh.gif I heard people saying things like that before, isn't that silly?. I think we all have prejudices based on race, sometimes without even notice it just like the examples above.
What about :
Person A says: "She's pretty"
Person B: "Hmmm not really"
Person A: "Well, she is for a black"

Notice how Person A's last response is for a black, stating inderectly that because the woman is black she's not supposed to be pretty.

I think most of us fall by making statements like that and are very racial in content.

Reconcile Edited: LDS_forever on 3rd Jan, 2004 - 2:31am

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Post Date: 9th Jan, 2004 - 5:14am / Post ID: #

A Friend


Racism is still common today, but if we call ourselves Christians we shouldn't be racist right? If you look at Leviticus19:18 it says(in my bible) "You must not take vengeance nor have a grudge against the sons of your people and you must love your fellow as yourself. I am Jehovah." So if people who are very active or have a lot of faith in their religion then why are they still racist? Wouldn't that be considered a sin? This has confused me for quite some time. I only know one person who is racist, my friend. She is very rude and hateful to mexicans.

Post Date: 9th Jan, 2004 - 7:39am / Post ID: #

A Friend

Racism Psychology Special & Health

Very, it is hard to be around people who are racist. I have a friend who is very hateful of Mexicans, Blacks, & the dirt poor whites. **Gosh, she really is terrible come to think of it.**

We both belong to the same Church and our faith stresses that we must love one another. She is not being very Christian and I have learned to not bring it up to her. It just starts her going even more. I pray for her, and I also don't judge the Church by her actions. She is going to have to account to Heavenly Father for everything she has done, and not done, here on Earth. Racism is a form of judging. It is not for us to judge them. This has got to be one of the hardest things there is to do.

I also feel that those who are racist are not happy with themselves so they put down others to bolster their own egos. Pray for your friend. You might also tell her (in a gentle and caring way) that her attitude & behavior towards mexicans is unacceptable to you, so when you are with me please refrain from making any comments about them.

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