My daughter who is six is asking for video games or a Gameboy for Christmas this year. Eeeek!! (a whole generation of kids with big thumbs....)
Anyway, can you recommend what type of game box is best for little kids, and are there actually any good games available for little ones? do you think a Gameboy would be better to start out with? I really don't know much about this sort of thing...
By far the best system for little ones would be Gamecube. Its made by Nintendo which generally gears their games towards littler kids. The gamecube has lots of little kids games, all the mario, poke'mon, and other cute little fuzzy thing type games are on the gamecube.
Thanks, Leir! I will check that out... is this one of the newest game-box thingies? Or could I get one used that would be maybe not so expensive?
(I knew I could get a gamer to answer that one )
The playstation 2 is set up to play many of the playstation one games. It is also a DVD player as well. Yea, the games are rather easy to find, most stores do carry the games and some of the older but goodies ones can be found on Ebay as well.
I wish I could offer my advice about the X-Box, but I don't know much about those. But I've had my playstation one for many years and have found tons of really good games.
Here is an idea... get a cheap second hand computer (which costs much less than the ones mentioned above) and you can download free educational programs and games, plus you will be preparing your child to use a computer in the future.