FRANCE: Sarkozy admits to errors in France's Tunisia policy Local French News In English
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Monday that France "underestimated" the gravity of Tunisian political discontent, while noting that France's former colonial role required it to steer clear of Tunisia's "internal affairs".
Source: Latest news reports on FRANCE, French politics and culture
FRANCE: French PM admits tear gas exports to Tunisia during uprising Local French News In English
In a revelation that could further embarrass France over its handling of the Tunisian crisis, the government has admitted that it issued permits to export tear gas to Ben Ali's regime only two days before it fell.
Source: Latest news reports on FRANCE, French politics and culture
There has been some conflicts here and there but mostly "Underground" work behind the criminal world between Tunisia and France. Usually it's based on political corruption and who benefits from some chaotic situations.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 240 24%