Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time

Resurrected Babies Died Time - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 16th Feb, 2011 - 11:36pm

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Post Date: 4th Feb, 2011 - 6:21pm / Post ID: #

Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time
A Friend

Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time

A friend of mine had a baby that had all sorts of birth defects causing it to die after about 20 days. Before you jump the gun and tell me that maybe the baby should have been aborted, be aware that if the doctors were able to surgically correct the issues, and it is a 50/50 chance, the baby would have lived a normal life without visible scarring or anything like that, so abortion was not an option. The life of the mother was in no danger. OK, here is the dilemma, the grandfather, who was involved deeply in the decision to finally pull the plug after 20 days, relayed a doctrinal conflict he was having about something Joseph Smith "said." This was discovered as he was searching the teachings of the Church looking for comfort during the 20 day ordeal.

President Joseph F. Smith, the sixth President of the Church, reported:

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"Joseph Smith taught the doctrine that the infant child that was laid away in death would come up in the resurrection as a child; and, pointing to the mother of a lifeless child, he said to her: "You will have the joy, the pleasure and satisfaction of nurturing this child, after its resurrection, until it reaches the full stature of its spirit"

His question is two fold, First, how can this be that a child is resurrected as a child? Aren't we resurrected into a condition that is perfect and in our prime? I remember some scriptural basis for this, but not the reference.

Second, why is this even necessary? The whole point is, at least I think, that death is a "mortal" issue. In the world of spirits, or in a spiritual condition, without the cares of mortality, why would a mother need this consolation after she receives her knowledge back from the pre-existence? Will it even matter then? This really bugs him. It doesn't bother me at all, since I don't pretend to know everything about the resurrection or a mothers bond with a child. However, as a pretty experienced grandfather, he cannot seem to wrap his mind around this teaching. Any opinions?

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4th Feb, 2011 - 7:18pm / Post ID: #

Time Their Died Babies Resurrected

Maybe its a comfort doctrine. Something you tell people so they don't feel so bad and think they will get a second chance to do it all again but next time better. There has been many near death experiences where a mother meets with a child who died at birth and the mother didn't recognize the child because they were seen as adults.

4th Feb, 2011 - 7:34pm / Post ID: #

Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time Studies Doctrine Mormon

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...who was involved deeply in the decision to finally pull the plug after 20 days

I do not understand this part about pulling the plug. The baby was on life support? I ask because earlier you said...
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...birth defects causing it to die after about 20 days

You may be interested in reading similar Threads that touch on this:

* Did We All Blow It In The Pre Existence? Source 1
* Mormon Near Death Experiences Source 5

Post Date: 6th Feb, 2011 - 4:24am / Post ID: #

Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time
A Friend

Time Their Died Babies Resurrected

These two statements help me understand this a little better.

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"The body will come forth as it is laid to rest, for there is no growth or development in the grave.  As it is laid down, so will it arise, and changes to perfection will come by the law of restitution.  But the spirit will continue to expand and develop, and the body, after the resurrection will develop to the full stature of man."
(Joseph F. Smith Improvement Era June 1904)

Then Joseph Fielding Smith has said, about the above statement in foot notes to Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Page 200

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'this may be accepted as the doctrine of the Church in respect to the resurrection of children and their future development to the full stature of men and women; and it is alike conformable to that which will be regarded as both reasonable and desirable."

So the way I believe that it works is when a baby is laid down into a grave the body has only aged to the age of a chilled. When the resurrection comes the body is then given back to the spirit that once inhabited it at that same age that it was given up and laid in the grave then, the body continues to grow until it matures to whatever age it is that we will be which is called our prime.

The spirit on the other hand is not a baby it has spent who knows how long growing in the pre mortal life. This is why parents that meet children that have died see them as fully developed adults not little children the spirit is already adult and our bodies are only now growing to adulthood, or in the case of children that die after the resurrection they will grow to adulthood.

7th Feb, 2011 - 8:30pm / Post ID: #

Time Their Died Babies Resurrected

Chancer makes a good point though because if we are going to be resurrected into a perfect body why would that body still be of a child? A child's body compared to that of an adult is imperfect.

Post Date: 10th Feb, 2011 - 8:36pm / Post ID: #

Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time
A Friend

Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time

Chancer 74

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In the world of spirits, or in a spiritual condition, without the cares of mortality, why would a mother need this consolation after she receives her knowledge back from the pre-existence? Will it even matter then?

Gospel Doctrine Joseph Smith declared
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The mother who laid down her little child, being deprived of the privilege, the joy, and the satisfaction of bringing it up to manhood or womanhood in this world, would, after the resurrection, have all the joy, satisfaction, and pleasure, and even more than it would have been possible to have had it mortality, in seeing her child grow to the full measure of the stature of its spirit...When she does it there, it will be with the certain knowledge that the results will be without failure; whereas here the results are unknown until after we have passed the test.

My parents have lost two sons in death. One at the tender age of 7, and one due to his poor life choices at the age of 39 (He was an alcoholic). I have watched my entire life as my parents have grieved over losing my brothers. I can't imagine losing a child at any age and learning to deal with such a loss. My parents had great faith and have NEVER wavered. They have found so much comfort in this doctrine. It was so difficult to watch my parents experience such pain, but also a blessing to see their faith. My parents look forward to the time when they will stand at the very spot that they have experienced great sorrow in burying their sons and be able to embrace these sons again in their arms. Great comfort has been found in the opportunity to nurture, care for, and love these boys again. It has been a motivation for them to strive to live the gospel.

Yes, they will have their memories back from the pre-existence, but our spirits will be constantly be learning, needing to be nurtured and cared for by someone to help them along the way. My brothers missed out on many of life's experiences which they may need to be taught about. They will be able to be taught by my parents and what a joy that will be for my parents. I know that this has already begun to happen, because my father passed away four years ago and we received an assurance that he was teaching my brother and that my brother was also teaching him. Parenting is difficult in this life, but imagine the rewards of parenting in the spirit world. You know that the correct doctrines and teachings you are teaching will be received and followed. What a joy that must be! My pains struggled so much when losing my 7 year old brother, but were comforted knowing he would be made perfect and would be received into the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. When my 39 year old brother died, his death was even harder. Even though he had finally changed his lifestyle, his body suffered the consequences of his actions. Hopefully, he will be forgiven through repentance, mercy, and through the atonement of Christ.

I have had my 7 year old brother appear to me when I was a teenager in an effort to warn my oldest brother that he needed to change his lifestyle. He appeared to me in the form of a child because, I believe, that is the only way I would recognize him was how I knew him on the earth. It was a glorious experience and has confirmed to me that the doctrine taught about the resurrection and about children/babies dying is true. I know these teachings taught are true, without a doubt.

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15th Feb, 2011 - 3:18pm / Post ID: #

Resurrected Babies Died Their Time

Wow Pianomom, sorry to hear about your brother. sad.gif Also you must be a very spiritual person to have someone from the other of the veil showed up like that. My goodness I wish I could be you! (I have dear loved ones in the other side).

Post Date: 16th Feb, 2011 - 11:36pm / Post ID: #

Resurrected Babies Who Died Before Their Time
A Friend

Resurrected Babies Died Their Time Mormon Doctrine Studies

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you must be a very spiritual person to have someone from the other of the veil showed up like that.

It definitely strengthened my testimony that life continues beyond the grave and that children who die before their time will be exalted and receive all the rewards and blessings available by a loving Heavenly Father. We have been blessed to have many visions within our family. I guess many in my family have been given the gift of visions.

Our bodies will be resurrected as they were laid down, and will be restored to our perfect state over time (probably very quickly for most people). I believe that are spirits AND bodies will become perfect as we come unto Christ and are perfected through Him and His infinite atonement. I believe everything will be worked out through our Savior.

Rather off topic, but...
I should probably write these experiences down in another thread on this site to be shared. We will see if I ever get around to doing that. I don't think this happened because I was very spiritual necessarily, but because I was close to my other brother who needed a warning in his life. I spent a lot of time with him at this time. I think it takes more faith to believe without seeing visions, etc...It is easier to believe when you have had those glorious experiences. It reminds me of when Thomas saw the resurrected Christ. Christ said, John 20:26
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Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed:  blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

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