Guyana Genealogy
Do you have any ancestors from Guyana or have you done any Genealogical Research in Guyana? If so, please tell us the available facilities in Guyana to access Guyana Birth & Death certificates, marriage records, etc.
Name: Carmen
Comments: I am currently searching for my Grandmother's family. Her name was Iris Sobers(maiden). She came to Philadelphia, PA in 1923. Her mother's name was Eliza Gibbs. She had a stepmother named sarah sobers,father sobers. Also half sister named Marion Drakes.
I have found an address for Sarah Sobers address in 1913 was 77 Ol Adfield Street, Demerara.
I would very much to upgrade my search to original documents. Not sure how to access guyanan records via internet. Would love to know.
Thanks for your site
Name: Pauline
Title: Iris sobers
Comments: My name is Pauline [..], I am from Guyana. I came to America July of 1969, I live in Brooklyn NY. I believe Iris Sobers is my great aunt. My great grandmother's name is Eliza Gibbs, all the information you gave matches the one I have.