Dominica Genealogy
Do you have any ancestors from Dominica or have you done any Genealogical Research in Dominica? If so, please tell us the available facilities in Dominica to access Dominica Birth & Death certificates, marriage records, etc.
Name: Vanessa
Comments: Just trying to trace the roots of my family since some of them wont tell me.
Name: Vanessa
Comments: I only no my mom first and last name my so call decease dad I don't no his real name but juts his nick name but the only thing I could possible do is find out my gramps first name on my mom side and try find out on my dad side.
Name: Carmen
Comments: I am trying to trace my family tree, all I know is that my grandfathers lived in Dominica and their surnames are LANDER and DUBLIN but do not seem to be getting anywhere can anybody help?