Hello, I love to read books and I have a huge interest in Ancient Roman times. I am a history buff and I was wondering if some of you could recommend some good books on Ancient Rome. I would like if they were about war and tactics as that is one of my favorite aspects of history, all the thought and wit that went into fighting those battles. Also, if you guys have any books to recommend on other ancient civilizations please suggest them. I love ancient Greece, Macedonia, and even the barbarian civilizations. Also, I was wondering if anyone would know about a book on the Israelites and the Romans. I don't know much, but it seems like there was a lot of conflict with the two and I would like to know more about this. Please, only suggest non-fiction books. I am not interesting in fiction. Again, strategy and tactics is what I am looking for, battles and such.
Thanks in advance!
You can possibly try: Roman Battle Tactics 109BC-AD313 authored by Ross Cowan. There are actually a series of books for different aspects of Roman fighting by one publisher for example: Hadrian's Wall AD 122-410 by Nic Fields and Greek and Roman Artillery 399 BC-AD 363 by Duncan B Campbell.
Each of these contain illustrated examples as well. If you do end up reading them please place a book review as I may get one of the Bots to start a new Thread for each.
Books On Ancient Rome (Hover)