Ukraine Adoption Laws
What is your review for the Ukraine Adoption Laws? If you have adopted a child from the Ukraine then please tell us about your experience.
Utah family hopes to adopt Ukrainian orphans
He thought, two weeks ago when he invited three Ukranian orphans into his home through the Utah-based nonprofit Save a Child, that he was giving them the chance of a lifetime - the opportunity to have a two-week "American experience." Instead, he discovered, "the rest of my family." Now the little blondes, Christina, 11, Sasha, 9, and Eddy, 8, have gone back to Europe, and Ceran, who hopes to adopt the orphans, is left with nothing to do but pack up their clothes and wait to be reunited. Ref. Source 1
Utah family tries to adopt Ukrainian children
It will cost more than $40,000 to finalize the adoptions and Jonny and his four siblings are pitching in to help Mom and Dad pay the bill. For his part, Jonny, is giving up school lunch. Ref. Source 7