Here, characters form a party by posting messages to each other with ideas of how they would like to; get ready for the next mission or adventure; formulate a captain or leader for the next mission and iron out any disagreements.
Why is a leader necessary?
Helps keep order and because one person acts as 'mouth' for the others it is easier for admin to formulate a response based on the character's actions.
But what if I want to do something different from what the party wants to do?
You can choose to leave the party, but this has bad consequences for more than one reason. First of all, admin will now have to create a scenario especially for you and second, the party may not want to take you on future missions.
What should be some of the things we discuss here?
1. Who will be the leader?
2. Who will be at the front leading, who will be in the rear?
3. What happens if we are suddenly attacked?
4. Who will do the talking when a city or town?
5. Is there anything we need to keep concealed?
6. Do we need to get or purchase any special items?
7. Figure out the solution to a puzzle you are stuck on.
8. Negotiate with other players.
9. Find out the strategy of other players.
10. Learn from more experienced players.
My name is Ice. I am a warrior with special skills of being a body guard and a teamster. I do not want to be the leader.
I don't have a lot of experience in RPG and none in Mideival.
She walks quietly light-footed, but with the rolling gait of a seasoned sailor. Althea nods to the others in the camp, warriors all. "Sokei. Ice. Nice to make your acquaintance. Let's get one thing straight up front: I'm here for the gold. I'm not partial to leading, but will if called upon."
Althea perches lightly on a nearby rock to await other party members. She looks relaxed, but her eyes roam the area and she is poised as if ready for action.
Hi, all Looking forward to a better round this time -- we seemed to have had a hard time getting here regularly last game, and then two dropped out completely....
I'm trying to get in first thing in the a.m. and last thing p.m., but that doesn't always work out depending on my schedule. If I don't make it in here for a full day, please post in my stead whatever is appropriate to the game. Thanks
Shouldn't we pick a leader and determine party order first?