Mariah saw Trixie's attitude and decides to approach her....
Mariah is tired, hungry and moody. She stands right in front of Trixie, takes the magazine from her hands and close it. She looks at her straight at her eyes and says 'You don't plan to do anything???. Are you going to waste time reading that stupid magazine?! that's what they taught you in the Corps?"
Trixie, very slowly and deliberately stands up, looks Mariah directly in the eyes and says (in a very even, and low voice but with a threatening tone), "If you ever do anything even remotely like that again, I will show you exactly what they have taught me in the Marine Corps.
Now, I suggest you give me back the magazine nicely and leave me alone.
Maria looks at her, tongue in cheek, and says 'Get the magazine yourself! I'm not your servant!'
Well, since it is still in your hands, would you like me to just snatch it back from you?, Trixie yells, while glaring at Mariah.
Meanwihile, back in the waiting room....
Since Mariah doesn't bother to answer Trixie, Trixie quicky snatches back the magazine, sits down and begins thumbing through it again.
She is quite content to wait, since waiting is nothing unusual in her line of work.
Mariah looks at Trixie and says 'This is exactly what I expect of you, you are such a tomboy!' she says while shaking her head.
She thinks deep inside 'where the heck this guy is?'
Oh, please! Tomboy is a term you use to describe a child. Haven't we woman come far enough these days that we can do anything we want and not be catagorized with labels. I can be tough, but I can also be very feminine when the situation warrants. Besides, I gave you ample opportunity to hand the thing back to me before I snatched it back."
"You really are quite a spoiled little brat, aren't you? Or, is it just all an act to hide your true insecurities? Are you afraid no one will like you if you don't put on airs?"
"Is there really any reason we can't just be friends, despite our differences?"