USA Smokers
Is the subject of smoking in USA taboo?
What are the statistics? How many are considered to be Smokers in USA?
If you mentioned to a local that you are one of the Smokers in USA will that lead to ridicule or admiration?
What are the laws governing smoking in USA?
Most remaining smokers in US have low socioeconomic status
After decades of declining US smoking rates overall, most remaining smokers have low income, no college education, no health insurance or a disability. About 15 percent of US adults -- more than 36 million -- continue to smoke cigarettes. Half to three-fourths of them have one or more low-socioeconomic disadvantages, and the lowest socioeconomic categories have the highest smoking rates. The study concludes that continuing tobacco use is now concentrated among the least advantaged portion of society. Ref. Source 1n.
This is too bad. As much as we know regarding smoking and how bad it is for you to still have people smoking goes to show the power of social pressure and ingenious marketing. The marketing is the marketing we are bombarded with in store, in movies, and on TV shows. Not commercials, since they are off the air, but when we see this star or that star smoking a cigarette. In truth, these are companies that should go out of business.
Smoking is a bad habir for anyone to start up. I smoked at one time but quit a long time agao. I look around me and I seea lot of young people who smoke and wonder why they would even knowing the risks. I have helped a couple people quit and they feel good about that fact. I disagree with the study as I see people in high paying jobs and well connected with society that smoke more than some of the lower income people. I may not be seeing a total cross section of the populace but I think just as many in all walks of life still smoke.