Parvati Girls' Hindu College
What are your reviews for the secondary school known as Parvati Girls' Hindu College?
If you have attended Parvati Girls' Hindu College then please tell us what you consider to be the pros and cons of attending this secondary school as well as their current facilities.
Anything else you feel a prospective student / parent thinking about being part of this secondary school might like to know about Parvati Girls' Hindu College?
Name: Sasha
Title: Parvati Girls Hindu College
Comments: Just in simple terms, the school aims to produce well all rounded students who can think beyond the problem or situation. Its a place that is considered to be a home away from home, where students feel safe in a comfortable environment. Teachers are very helpful. They will go out of their way to help any student. Their are a lot of rules but they aim to help the students to become discipline. It is not a fully equipped school but they make use of whatever they have.
Source: Currently a parent of a student attending the school