We tried/try all these things, what happens is that in his mind he "finished" his work even though the way it is presented is not acceptable and he knows it but still he finds he DESERVES to get the treat, hence the rewards system have never worked with him! Besides the autism, he is very hyperactive so the combination is sometimes extremely hard to deal with.
When a consequence follows, he never accepts it, have a huge meltdown and it takes very long to calm him down.
Also, he never, ever takes responsibility of his actions. Is that common in autism? He always blames his brothers or the chair, or me, or my husband or something that "made him" do it, including his brain!
Name: ReidMD
Comments: Taking responsibility for one's own actions can be a difficult concept for someone on the spectrum of Autism to grasp at times. Because of the breakdown in social skills. Often cause and effect have to happen in a rather short time period in order for one to grasp.. When I do the following... This is the consequence.
The more simple the instruction and expectation, the more easier it is for us to set up our children to be successful in a world of confusing expectations.
Also repetition and consistency can also be an effective tool in making learning stick.