Name: Amoy
Comments: My son is 13 turning 14 in June. I am very proud of him and all his accomplishments, it has been a long road and its hard to stop to smell the roses alongside the way, but we try and more and more everyday we are seeing progress.
Malissa, people can be very judgmental and let's face it our people are used to the kind of discipline a child (whether they have special needs or not) don't deserve. How old is your child by the way?
Amoy, your child is a teenager! Do you see any changes on him with regards to his behaviour now that he is almost 14?
Name: Amoy
Comments: I see it every day, he is becoming a man before me and yet he has a lot of behaviors like that of a small child. he wants to be more independent daily and he is trying really hard to fit in, just so he can "fit IN". The others children and adults make it so hard for these kids to make it.
Interesting topic.
Amoy, does your child have any friends? I know it's very hard for children with autism to make friends because some of their behavior may be perceived as "odd". A dear friend of mine has a daughter in the spectrum and she is all alone.
I'm glad I found this thread because my sister has a two year old who doesn't speak yet and when we call out his name he doesn't pay any attention to us. I told her to get him tested but she refuses. I think deep inside, she knows he may be autistic and she's having a very hard time dealing with that possibility. He even throws these huge tantrums in the middle of the street and there is nothing that anyone can do to prevent them.
Name: Amoy
Comments: He does but I am not sure if he understand "friendship" but I know he wants to have them. He has trouble separating the "good guys" or at least those who pretends to be nice to him and then do things to get him into trouble. I know that some of kids are trying. I want to have a small lunch and invite a few of them at our home on a Saturday so they can hang out.
Roshni, as a parent of a child with autism, denial is something I think most parents go through at sometime or another. Intervention is needed as soon as possible, the first step is get a diagnosis, usually, request a letter to join the child development clinic/child guidance clinic.
Amoy, sounds exactly like my son. He doesn't differentiate between the good kids who are laughing with him from those who are laughing at him. It breaks my heart sometimes to see how hard he tries and is either rejected or bullied every time.
Name: Amoy
Comments: I cry every day inside but I cant let him know this. he is really a smart kid, he loves playing scrabble and any type of word game, he is great on the computer. he learning to do origami, going online and learning how to develop his own arcade type games. he wants so much to be a part of everything at school and elsewhere but I think we are afraid to let him really get it out there for fear of the society rejection of him all I wish I could do is cover him with invisibility cloak that protects him from "fake friends". do you know where I can get one of those?