Name: ReidMD
Comments: I think it really depends on who these people are.
If they are family members or close family friends then it may be worth the investment to educate them on the disorder as they may become part of your support network, otherwise, why care what others have to say?
Name: Malisa
Comments: There needs to be more government programs about it on television to help people understand it.
People don't know much autism here because there aren't enough awareness programs. I'm surprised the Autistic Society doesn't push enough the idea of articles in the newspapers or even TV features on the news so they can ask whatever help they need and at the same time, teach the population more about the autism spectrum.
Name: Jewel
Comments: Why do they only wait until Autism Awareness Month, the focus is not on awareness throughout the year. The word is not getting out.
That's a good point Jewel. Sounds like Christmas time when everyone suddenly feels to give some sort of service.
I think a nice media campaign could work great and bring private sponsors as well as adding a little pressure to the government to provide funding.
Name: Jewel
Comments: I think we have to know what the autistic society wants, do they want to have a school. my brother is autistic and for years we have asked this question but they want to be a "parent support" group. There is not enough fund raising being done. they depend on cooperate sponsors and others what about just doing some of their own fund raising activities.