I really think they just do not know who to talk to. You would not share something that you know people will not understanding and Trinis are generally not the empathetic concerned types, so why bother.
Name: Gabby
Comments: Society don't give a [care] if they are not directly affected. Its a struggle daily to deal with the public the stares, comments the feeling of being like an outsider. Who do we turn to, family they too treat the child terrible. No caring any in more only when it happens to them, then they talk and understand.
Name: Den
Comments: I am commenting on the question "Are T&T's parents afraid?" I don't think so. I think that they are confused. I also think that not enough information is forthcoming. Parents who are now learning that their child is on the spectrum have no idea where to get the help that they need. Sure we have ASTT, but how many people pay attention to the information that is in the media? Not until their child is diagnosed with autism, (if a diagnosis is available) do they realize what autism is.
Then it's a scramble to get whatever information they can on the subject.... Parents there is an autism society in T&T. Make an appointment at M.Hope child guidance clinic and take it from there.
Name: Gabby
Comments: Parents now are becoming more empowered, some are reading more asking questions checking out the internet, some parents try to find out more about schools before they go and enrolled their child. Parents today are more knowledgeable of autism but yet our resources are so limited and therapy is very expensive.