Thinking about it we never have a special meal for the new year because we're usually like out doing something and get whatever.
Name: Mars
Comments: Black Eyed Peas for Luck, Greens (collard greens, or spinach) for wealth, Ham & home made Macaroni & Cheese I think for prosperity
This year is the same as any other. The reason we eat pork is that the hog will barrel its way forward thus eating of pork as your first meal is hoping that you barrel your way through obstacles in the new year and always move forward.
Name: Kathy
Comments: I think this is what I had when I was a child, pork and sauerkraut. My mother always said "Out with the old, In with the new" If you know what I mean Happy New Year what ever your tradition is or start a new one in 2010
Name: kathy
Comments: My traditional New Year' meal consists of Cornbeef, Cabbage for wealth, blackeyed peas for luck, carrots for health and corn bread for some unknown reason. Maybe because it tastes good with the other things. I usually throw in potatoes with the cabbage and carrots. I think this all comes from my Irish grandmother. I make my children eat a little of each and tell them that one day they will be calling me asking what to cook for New Years. They just roll thier eyes. Whatever...Happy New Years to all !
Nothing special this year, it is too stressful to have anything organized with our children. When they go to sleep I usually have a 'late night snack' (yes, bad I know). This year it is corn soup with bread and cheese.