Inexpensive Ways to Change Your Teenager's Room Into Their Own Space
A teenager's room is unique from that of a child for the simple reason that it ought to be treated more like an grownup space. However, it should also have a slightly entertaining flair to it as well. Use your teen's ideas, keep your budget in mind and let your imagination run wild. Ref. Source 7
Name: CleanStar
Comments: Very interesting article. What my parents did for me was make my bedroom more like an apartment for me when I turned 16 or 17. That was many, many years ago, but I loved it. They gave me a couch that makes out into bed, a coffee table that they had extra around the house. Of course to do this a person could go to a second hand store, or a garage sale. Then they let me decorate it the way I wanted. I put in vases of flowers and I had shelves that I could put decor and accents on. Since I've always been one that likes a clean house, they never had to worry about it being a mistake on their time. I could have friends over, and we could listen to music and just visit. It was a great time, and I will always appreciate my parents doing this for me.