Moving Out of Your Parent's House? 8 Things You Must Do
Moving out of your parents' house and living on your own may sound fun -- but it's actually a lot of hard work. If possible, you shouldn't do it on a whim. A lot of planning should go into this life-changing move. Here are the eight most important steps in living solo: Ref. Source 7
Name: CleanStar
Comments: If you want to move out of your parents home you better have a job and a steady income unless you can trust on Mommy and Daddy always will jump in when your pockets are empty and rent or other bills have to be paid.
Also I would recommend you to know how to cook because eating out every day, even if it's only with McDonalds, can get very expensive.
And not to forget the housekeeping. Once you moved out of your parents home you better know how to do some cleaning and laundry unless you want ask Mommy to come and do that for you once a week.