LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat - Page 19 of 27

Hello all, this is my second post, right after - Page 19 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 9th May, 2011 - 10:22pm

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Poll: I Think The Idea Of Being A Good LDS Democrat Is...
  Great! There are good policies in the Democratic party       44.19%
  Good, we all have the freedom to choose, it is not a sin       20.93%
  No Opinion - just leave the Members to do what they think is best       6.98%
  Nonsense - how can you support a party against LDS principles       27.91%
Total Votes: 43
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Is it possible to vote for the Democrats and say you support LDS Standards? Should every member be a Republican? Can you be a good Mormon and a Democrat?
LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat Related Information to LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
Post Date: 21st Jan, 2009 - 7:41pm / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
A Friend

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat - Page 19

I don't agree with many of the posts on this topic. It doesn't take much of a brain at all to see which party is against most of the values that we as LDS espouse. Shall I name a few? Abortion, certainly, support of hate crimes in regard to Gays, Socialism, (even though many Republicans have begun to support it), and lack of support of a strong National Defense. Someone said the Democrats just have a different perspective or lack of understanding. Yes, lack of understanding because they are too lazy to get an understanding of the issues, or unable to break tradition. The Democrat party has changed. I've voted Democratic and know a many who are still decent and God-fearing people, but if you look at the at the Democratic platform, there is no way you can justify voting for those who support it. True, many of the Republican leaders have veered too far to the left, but we are counseled to vote for the better of the candidates. We have been warned about lulling ourselves to sleep with apathy and that's what many of our members are doing. I say, "Wake up"! Study the issues and watch the voting records of those wanting our vote. Turn off the channels on TV who present only the liberal view. I don't mean to be harsh, but I get frustrated with those who refuse to read the words of the prophets and align themselve with the elite media without informing themselves. One might compare the voting record of Robert Bennet and Harry Reid and see which one comes more closely to being a true Latter-day Saint. Don't misunderstand me; I don't think all Republicans are honest or worthy of our vote, but just consider what the majority of Democrats propose for our country and compare it to gospel standards.

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23rd Jan, 2009 - 3:24am / Post ID: #

Democrat Mormon Democrat LDS


I have to agree. I think that no matter what party you are or faith, power can corrupt. Its a human fault we all have. So no matter what party or faith we are, we are all susceptible to power's temptations. By the way I am with you I do not think murder is unpardonable.

Post Date: 23rd May, 2010 - 12:25pm / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat Studies Doctrine Mormon

Name: Dsscheibe

Comments: I still stand by what I said, because I know I am right. A true Christian should not support anyone in the Democrat party which is pro abortion, anti-Christian and socialist. Socialism IS NOT charity, charity comes from the individual NOT the government! Government is force, not giving, that is the difference. Also as LDS we should support the Constitution which has been called divinely inspired by many of the Prophets. How can anyone support a party which is doing it's best to destroy the constitution?

international QUOTE

"I established the Constitution of this land," said the Lord, "by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose"
(D&C 101:80).

Gordon B. Hinckley

international QUOTE
The Constitution under which we live, and which has not only blessed us but has become a model for other constitutions, is our God-inspired national safeguard ensuring freedom and liberty, justice and equality before the law.

Many of the Democrats claim to be Christians but only do so to deceive the people to get elected. They do not in any way follow Jesus's teachings. Now they are using the buzz words "social justice", you will not find it any where in the scriptures and means they want to forcefully take from the people who work and have to give those who do not. No where in Scripture or Constitution will you find any support for such action or doctrine. Christ said for you to give, not choose a government that takes it from your neighbors to give to someone else.

29th May, 2010 - 2:08am / Post ID: #

Page 19 Democrat Mormon Democrat LDS

Here is what the 1938 Melchizedek Priesthood manual has to say about "socialism:

international QUOTE
But since all capitalistic systems are founded upon the institution of private property, inheritance and the profit motive, great inequalities of ownership and income inevitably result. ...Among the more plausible suggestions offered
to correct existing abuses without adversely affecting the productive system, is to continue the socialization of our service institutions through a system of progressive taxation based upon ability to pay...taking the bulk of their [captains of industry] profits to finance free education, free libraries, free public parks and recreation centers, unemployment insurance, old age benefits, sickness and accident insurance, and perhaps eventually free medical aid and hospital service. ...The average family may not have much more money, if any, to spend under such a system than now. But...then the meagre family income can be devoted entirely to the necessities of life, plus some of the comforts now enjoyed by the higher income classes. ...To finance all of this, of course, will necessitate huge sums of money....And it will also require a carefully worked out tax system so that every one will contribute according to his financial ability. Inheritance and estate taxes will become progressively higher, until the present system of permitting large fortunes to be passed on from generation to generation will become extinct. And incidentally, the so-called idle rich who have been living on the earnings of past generations will be no more.

So I think that their is room for left liberal ideas in the church. I am always concerned how the conservative platform has such a narrow view of morality. Morality for them is about homosexuality, abortion, prayer in school, and limited government. They seem to forget that in scripture especially in the Book of Mormon: Morality includes hording of wealth, not taking care of the poor, to name a few. These are the issues that I feel that make Democrats Christ centered.
As for abortion, I do not think that you can find many democrats that would say abortion is a good thing. I feel that both parties want the same solution with is to eliminate abortion. It is just that both parties have a different approach, to the matter. Remember abortion rates are lower now since rowe v. Wade. Abortion rates have been at its lowest when a Democrate is in office. Clinton presidency saw lower abortion rates the Regan, and Bush(s). Reason being because of the public assistance that was given to unwed mothers. This is a solution to abortion that seems to work. I just do not see these kind of results with republican administrations. Furthermore I think that the BOM tells us how such acts of sin should be handled. We are to follow the example of Alma and preach the gospel to convert and turn away people from sin. We are to give them choice not legislate law.

Here are some quotes that I think a liberal would be proud of:

international QUOTE
But it is not given that one man should possess that which is above another, wherefore the world lieth in sin.

international QUOTE
"Every rhetorician knows that his most effective weapons by far are labels. He can demolish the opposition with simple and devastating labels such as communism, socialism, or atheism , popery, militarism, or Mormonism, or give his clients" worst crimes a religious glow with noble labels such as integrity, old-fashioned honesty, tough-mindedness, or free competitive enterprise"
-Hugh Nibley

international QUOTE
"The best measure or principle to bring the poor to repentance is to administer to their wants."
- Joseph Smith

international QUOTE
"In view of the prevailing condition of social unrest, of the loud protest against existing systems, whereby the distribution of wealth is becoming more and more unequal,-the rich growing richer from the increasing poverty of the poor, the hand of oppression resting more and more heavily upon the masses, the consequent dissatisfaction with governments, and the half-smoldered fires of anarchy discernible in almost every nation,-may we not take comfort in the God-given promise of a better plan?-a plan which seeks without force or violence to establish a natural equality, to take the weapons of despotism from the right, to aid the lowly and the poor, and to give every man an opportunity to live and to labor in the sphere to which he is adapted. From the tyranny of wealth, as from every other form of oppression, the truth will make men free." - James E. Talmage, Articles of Faith, 1899, p. 454

international QUOTE
"The idler shall not eat the bread of the laborer has always meant that the idle rich shall not eat the bread of the laboring poor, as they always have."
- Hugh Nibley

international QUOTE
"To serve the classes that are living on them, the poor, laboring men and women are toiling, working their lives out to earn that which will keep a little life within them. Is this equality? No! What is going to be done? The Latter-day Saints will never accomplish their mission until this inequality shall cease on the earth."
- Brigham Young

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30th May, 2010 - 3:04am / Post ID: #

Democrat Mormon Democrat LDS

It's funny how you quote Gordon B. Hinckley because his first counselor in the First Presidency, James E. Faust was an active Democrat. Geez imagine we had an Apostle who was "Anti-Christian". rolleyes.gif

Reconcile Edited: SuzieSu on 30th May, 2010 - 3:08am

Post Date: 17th Jul, 2010 - 12:16am / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat

Name: Nick

Comments: Every member who has the common sense to know that both parties are parties of men and like all man made governments and parties that are soon to fall because of what is about to replace them, should be a simple clear indicator that you should be a party to neither.

I mean, come on. Any of us should be jumping on the band wagon of corruption coming from both entities?

What are you envisioning for our future? To achieve Zion through man made institutions of corruption?

Then what are you doing voting for either one? And why are you a member of the Lord's Church if you have no future plans for Zion?

If you are drawn to either of these parties or any fraternity for that matter, your are placing false hopes in the arms of absolute corrupted flesh!

Is this what we represent as citizens of God? Or does that reflect a desire to mirror the world citizenry?

You read the scriptures right? You tell me.

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Post Date: 28th Jul, 2010 - 12:03am / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat Mormon Democrat - Page 19

Name: Politicsmania

Comments: Want to know what the democrats are like? Just look at President Obama. Does any of hi policies resemble what we as members stand for? If in your mind it does then I think you need to do some more research because you're just not into politics. I will pray for those of you who are democrats and members at the same time.

Post Date: 9th May, 2011 - 10:22pm / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
A Friend

LDS Democrat Mormon Democrat Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 19

Hello all, this is my second post, right after my introduction. I found this unique place due a search of "LDS Democrat." First of all thank you for that, I have been looking for a place that has serious adult conversations on things in a constructive way.

I'm not a Republican or Democrat, but I will give you my reason for leaning toward the Democrat's side of things.

Yes, there are things that I disagree with in the democratic party. Abortion being first and foremost. Redefining marriage is another, but the hate that has been generated from this debate troubles me greatly. My dear sweet visiting teacher is strongly anti-gay. I'm quite neutral I suppose. I view gay living much the same as drinking, smoking, sleeping around, etc. While it doesn't conform to Proper LDS living and it would break my heart, I wouldn't disown a child or stop loving them for it as I have known some active member to do. A gentleman I grew up with is gay, he is also the most Christlike person I have known. He took in a friend who fell back on drugs, took him to meeting and appointments, cared for him in his house cooked his meals when even the addict's parents had given up on him. He will do anything for anyone and is a perfect example of how to be a good friend.

When I wondered where I stand with doctrine as I have with the hate inside and outside the church, I always try and fall back on the basics. What is Christ's higher law? Love God, Love one another, judge not (unless you are a Bishop or Stake President and have to wink.gif ) , care for the poor and needy, and remember who your 'neighbor is. So while I dislike the sin, I have some wonderful gay friends.

Apart from those two disagreements, I find the democratic party to follow much more closely the basic edicts of Christ's church.

In a blog I found, Sidney Carton said this on the subject;

international QUOTE
My commitment to charity, public welfare, social justice and care for the poor does not come from the writings of Marx, the speeches of FDR or LBJ, or even my parent's counter-cultural viewpoint, they come from the scriptures, from the teachings of King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon, and from the Savior's discourse in Matthew 24.  They come from a reading of the history presented in the Book of Mormon which shows that as the people become more and more wicked and selfish, it becomes necessary for good men in government to do more to enforce righteous policy. (consider the service of Captain Moroni in this regard).  Do I believe that dole and a Government check is the solution to all the nation's problems?  No, but in fairness, neither do a fair number of those who stand on the left end of the political divide.

I have seen a few statements being very anti anything socialistic. I would like to bring your mind back to the Law of consecration. I do think that come the day Christ returns we will be able to live a perfect form of society very close to socialism. But there is no way we can now due to the corruption of government, both parties, and other human failings.

That said, there are things the republicans are defending that are not working where other options, like national health ARE working well in other countries. They live longer than in the US, they are happier than we are as well. Also over 62% of US declarations of bankruptcy are due to medical reasons. Republicans seem to use socialism as a boogieman under the bed. And it has worked. There was actually a letter to the editor in my local newspaper praising McCarthyism and wishing it back. Why? Because of the huge amount of lobbyists buying government officials. They can stop anything that can lose them money, even if it benefits the rest of the nation. In my opinion, 2% of the country controlling 99% through wealth and buying of politicians (on both sides) is much more a threat to the nation than anything one party or another can throw around. We really need to reclaim our country through stopping lobbyists buying laws and corrupting senators and congressmen.

Reagan made greed not only acceptable, but fashionable. It's okay to look down on anyone who needs help, no matter what their situation, they deserve it. 10% unemployment, it's their fault for not having a job even if they were laid off after 40 years.

There is a strong reason I feel this way, I will try and tell it with out breaking the personal information rule. If I do, I am sorry, delete this part or have me re-write it.
I waited for my husband during his mission, we were high school sweethearts. When he got home I quit University and and went from part time to full time to put him through school. When the kids came he worked, three jobs in the beginning as our first was 3 months preemie. Our second is autistic, so I stayed even though things were tight financially. By the time our third reached school age. I found me a great job working with special needs kids. I LOVED it! I would go back in heart beat, and I've been told if I ever feel well enough I can go back. I was diagnosed with chronic illness shortly after going back to work. My husband's new job has not kept up with what were led to believe he would make. Because I took off the year while my kids I was ineligible for disability. We are in dire straights. While we have paid off all debt but our house, we just can't make it. Yes, we are on food stamps. It took me a long time not to be ashamed of this. Not I feel my husband's employer should be ashamed, not us. My husband has a dangerous job and has nearly not come home a number of times. I was angry with a lot of people for a long time. Mostly God, why was I encouraged to stay home with my kids if it was going to lead to this? I worked hard since I was 12, why can't I do so now? Why do I have to suffer so much pain I can't be the mom I want?

Is the national welfare system a good one? Nope. I think if they modeled on church services it would be better. Why didn't we stay with church help? part of it is a long story involving family politics, and part because of that shame of having to ask every month or two weeks. People out there using the system are not all frauds, there are people out there in need. They are what Christ called 'the poor', our 'neighbors' and 'His sheep.' Republicans do not care about them at all.

Reconcile Edited: Miriavas on 9th May, 2011 - 10:25pm

> TOPIC: LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat


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