![LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
I don't agree with many of the posts on this topic. It doesn't take much of a brain at all to see which party is against most of the values that we as LDS espouse. Shall I name a few? Abortion, certainly, support of hate crimes in regard to Gays, Socialism, (even though many Republicans have begun to support it), and lack of support of a strong National Defense. Someone said the Democrats just have a different perspective or lack of understanding. Yes, lack of understanding because they are too lazy to get an understanding of the issues, or unable to break tradition. The Democrat party has changed. I've voted Democratic and know a many who are still decent and God-fearing people, but if you look at the at the Democratic platform, there is no way you can justify voting for those who support it. True, many of the Republican leaders have veered too far to the left, but we are counseled to vote for the better of the candidates. We have been warned about lulling ourselves to sleep with apathy and that's what many of our members are doing. I say, "Wake up"! Study the issues and watch the voting records of those wanting our vote. Turn off the channels on TV who present only the liberal view. I don't mean to be harsh, but I get frustrated with those who refuse to read the words of the prophets and align themselve with the elite media without informing themselves. One might compare the voting record of Robert Bennet and Harry Reid and see which one comes more closely to being a true Latter-day Saint. Don't misunderstand me; I don't think all Republicans are honest or worthy of our vote, but just consider what the majority of Democrats propose for our country and compare it to gospel standards.
I have to agree. I think that no matter what party you are or faith, power can corrupt. Its a human fault we all have. So no matter what party or faith we are, we are all susceptible to power's temptations. By the way I am with you I do not think murder is unpardonable.
Name: Dsscheibe
Comments: I still stand by what I said, because I know I am right. A true Christian should not support anyone in the Democrat party which is pro abortion, anti-Christian and socialist. Socialism IS NOT charity, charity comes from the individual NOT the government! Government is force, not giving, that is the difference. Also as LDS we should support the Constitution which has been called divinely inspired by many of the Prophets. How can anyone support a party which is doing it's best to destroy the constitution?
Here is what the 1938 Melchizedek Priesthood manual has to say about "socialism:
It's funny how you quote Gordon B. Hinckley because his first counselor in the First Presidency, James E. Faust was an active Democrat. Geez imagine we had an Apostle who was "Anti-Christian".
Edited: SuzieSu on 30th May, 2010 - 3:08am
Name: Nick
Comments: Every member who has the common sense to know that both parties are parties of men and like all man made governments and parties that are soon to fall because of what is about to replace them, should be a simple clear indicator that you should be a party to neither.
I mean, come on. Any of us should be jumping on the band wagon of corruption coming from both entities?
What are you envisioning for our future? To achieve Zion through man made institutions of corruption?
Then what are you doing voting for either one? And why are you a member of the Lord's Church if you have no future plans for Zion?
If you are drawn to either of these parties or any fraternity for that matter, your are placing false hopes in the arms of absolute corrupted flesh!
Is this what we represent as citizens of God? Or does that reflect a desire to mirror the world citizenry?
You read the scriptures right? You tell me.
Name: Politicsmania
Comments: Want to know what the democrats are like? Just look at President Obama. Does any of hi policies resemble what we as members stand for? If in your mind it does then I think you need to do some more research because you're just not into politics. I will pray for those of you who are democrats and members at the same time.
Hello all, this is my second post, right after my introduction. I found this unique place due a search of "LDS Democrat." First of all thank you for that, I have been looking for a place that has serious adult conversations on things in a constructive way.
I'm not a Republican or Democrat, but I will give you my reason for leaning toward the Democrat's side of things.
Yes, there are things that I disagree with in the democratic party. Abortion being first and foremost. Redefining marriage is another, but the hate that has been generated from this debate troubles me greatly. My dear sweet visiting teacher is strongly anti-gay. I'm quite neutral I suppose. I view gay living much the same as drinking, smoking, sleeping around, etc. While it doesn't conform to Proper LDS living and it would break my heart, I wouldn't disown a child or stop loving them for it as I have known some active member to do. A gentleman I grew up with is gay, he is also the most Christlike person I have known. He took in a friend who fell back on drugs, took him to meeting and appointments, cared for him in his house cooked his meals when even the addict's parents had given up on him. He will do anything for anyone and is a perfect example of how to be a good friend.
When I wondered where I stand with doctrine as I have with the hate inside and outside the church, I always try and fall back on the basics. What is Christ's higher law? Love God, Love one another, judge not (unless you are a Bishop or Stake President and have to ) , care for the poor and needy, and remember who your 'neighbor is. So while I dislike the sin, I have some wonderful gay friends.
Apart from those two disagreements, I find the democratic party to follow much more closely the basic edicts of Christ's church.
In a blog I found, Sidney Carton said this on the subject;