QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 16-Mar 04, 5:59 PM) |
About Kerry... well have you ever confronted them with their standards vs. his standards kind of talk? Or is it that they will just do anything to get Bush out? |
About the LDS Party... then why hasn't some LDS in Utah got together and just formed one rather than associate themselves with the Republicans or Democratsor even a supposed Prophecy? Surely they will get enough votes? |
the membership just follows... or is it that members in general really do not think for themselves politically? |
Now this is an interesting little tidbit. (click here)
I am NOT saying that all, most, or even many Democrats are like this. But I am seeing an awful lot of hatred towards President Bush by Democrats. I see all kinds of "conspiracy theories" about him, how he has bin Laden already and will produce him just before the election, how he knew about 9-11 before hand, etc. Even among LDS Democrats (and a lot of moderates, etc) there is this presumption of evil about him. It concerns me that there is a group of Democrats (hopefully there aren't any LDS among them) that is trying to figure out seriously dirty tricks to use in the coming election.
Just another reason that I, personally, can't abide the Democratic Party.
ven among LDS Democrats (and a lot of moderates, etc) there is this presumption of evil about him. It concerns me that there is a group of Democrats (hopefully there aren't any LDS among them) that is trying to figure out seriously dirty tricks to use in the coming election. |
This is a fascinating thread and I am always interested in LDS and other views on politics. The questions I am always asking are "What is the foundation of my or others' political views?" and "What principles can we identify to make sure we have a perception of freedom (and thus politics) that approaches how Heavenly Father must view it?"
I started studying politics in 1992 by reading all the words of Church leaders on the matter (there's a LOT more than I initialy thought!), and I found myself having to rethink some things seriously. Fortunately I had no interest in politics up to that point and so had few preconceived ideas.
When I realised what politics was and that LDS have a responsibility* in that area, it was a revelation to me.
You see, I have come to believe very strongly that politics in its fullest sense is nothing more or less than the War in Heaven continued, it is the struggle and contention over agency. What was so very controversial in the Courts Above, remains so very controversial here and now.
One of the main reasons why LDS disagree is that many refuse to believe that there are unchanging principles upon which human government is based*; another reason for diagreement (as I see it) is that Latter-day Saints get mixed up over right and wrong as compared to legal and illegal. It does not follow that just because something is wrong (or not moral) that it should therefore be illegal. There are certainly many examples of this and I don't think there would be disagreement on this point (?).
This results in two extremes: the "inflexible conservative" who is quite right that God's Laws do not change, but quite wrong in seeking to impose some things upon his fellowman; and the "inflexible liberal", who is quite right to say that people should be free to choose, but quite wrong in rejecting absolute truths.
I am going to share with you what I - according to my current level of growth in this matter dictates - believe to be the way that is most in harmony with righteousness. You may disagree and you have every right to. I am only sharing my thoughts. I have thought about this long and deep, but I AM still learning.
I'm going to do this through resources so that you can study it yourself rather than having me trying to distill something that cannot be distilled:
First of all, here's a resource to start off. It is a growing list of links, quotations, recommendations etc. chiefly made by Church leaders or that are in harmony (as far as I can tell) with the same:
Secondly, here is the most enlightened (in my view) concept of how society should be constructed in its constitutional and governmental form:
And an associated forum (public but with LDS input too)
If you are in a rush (the philosophy link up there is a longgg read!) then give Joel's post (second down) a
read here:
which summarises his (and my) philosophy.
I sincerely believe this view to be in harmony with all that I have learned. It wasn't my initial thought - I started out as an "inflexible conservative" but then not so long ago I realised that neither conservatism or libertarianism had it quite right, the answer sort of lay in between - when I read Joel Skousen I knew he was on the right track.
For those who may be interested I came across an article entitled "Persuasion vs Force" written by Mark Skousen (lot of those Skousens about!), which - quite astonishingly - was commented upon and commended by President Hinckley (he may have been still a Counsellor at the time as the piece was written in the early 90s).
You can find it in the resources of the LDS article entitled "Hiding Behind Government: The Disposition of Almost All Men?" (which itself addresses the attitude over agency heretofore mentioned):
(President Hinckley's comments are on the intro page to the article on
Skousen's site)
I hope this has been helpful to at least someone!
God Bless,
*"As we have progressed the mist has been removed, and in relation to these matters, the Elders of Israel begin to understand that they have something to do with the world politically as well as religiously, that it is as much their duty to study correct political principles as well as religious, and to seek to know and comprehend the social and political interests of man, and to learn and be able to teach that which would be best calculated to promote the interests of the world." (John Taylor, JD: 9:340; emphases added)
Good evening ya'll. I am a little new at this, so please bare with me.
I have lived in Las Vegas, NV for 14 years. Prior, I have lived in eight states to include: Alabama, Idaho, Georgia, Arizona, Washington State, Utah, Louisiana, Mississippi and Nevada. I have been LDS my entire life. This belief system means everything in the world to me.
I have been reading the threads regarding LDS and politics. There are some interesting views. I feel that some of the differences between members choosing the Democratic party over the Republican is due in part to our newer generation. I have numerous LDS friends that are Democrats. I am finding that more of our youth are expressing what may be referred to as "liberal" views.
Personally, I draw on my own experiences - forming my thoughts and opinions. Do ya'll remember the time when our church would not allow people of African American descent to hold the priesthood? As the world changed, so did the need for our church to become more excepting of these types of things. I also remember a day when someone with a tatoo could not complete temple work. Due to the growing rate of our convert population that had tatoos, it became exceptable.
There are certain things that we view in a certain manner now, that may be changed in our near future. I would tend to agree that political party affiliation is not an important factor for an LDS member, as long as they are committed to all of the church values and teachings.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts in this regard.
Well, I didn't get a chance to read this entire thread, but I do remember once that Pres. Benson was asked if a member of the church could be a liberal Democrat. His response was if they really understood the gospel, then they could not.
The Democrats push and support too many views that are in violation of LDS belief. But the Republicans aren't a whole lot better. Still, got to support George W. over Clinton, or Kerry.
Hey ya'll,
I conducted some research concerning LDS as Democrats. Did you know that James E. Faust, 2nd Counselor in the 1st Presidency has been a lifelong Democrat? Also Heber J. Grant, 7th President of the church was a Democrat for most of his life - including during the time of his presidency.
I understand there are other key leaders, but I have not looked them up yet. Interesting huh?