In that respect a republican would also have to reply in the negative. Christ was very clear on the qualifications to the kingdom and what he wants us to do and taking food from hungry kids does not fit at all, in fact it is in every way what he has preached against. Also the love of wealth is a very bad thing by doctrinal standards. . You don't have to support ALL aspect of a party you belong to. However, as I haven't join either it's not a problem for me.
I can list a number that goes against the Gospel.
Wanting to reduce food stamps, SS , medicaid and medicare. ( and no taking that money and giving it to corporations will not make jobs for them. The corporations are given a free hand and will take the money to third world nations further destroying the country like they are doing now.)
Wanting to continue the war for so many years causing more innocent death and costing us obscene amounts of money.
Continuing 'trickle down" after it was obvious it only helped the upper 2 percent Taking from the poor to give to the rich.
Voting down education helps for the poor.
Constantly raising the debt, much much more than democrats.
I could go on and on, but are you listening?
But it does. Sure they don't own it, but they will starve without it. And Christ wants us to care for people, whether they own it or not. We should be feed more kids not less.
Did you read me story? Go a head and tell me my kids deserve to go hungry. Tell me, like the GOP believes, that if the sick and poor die off it's not your problem or concern that If I'm disabled it's because Christ wants me to suffer and die. Tell me you are not your brother's keeper. Tell me, even though I've worked hard all my life, and since I did and the Prophets commanded and stayed home with my kids so I don't get disability, that I deserve to suffer. My autistic son deserves to suffer. My husband who works too many hours for too little pay is a horrible person because Reagan said so. Show me the hate of your party and then tell me you are dedicating all you have to Christ. tell me you want to watch kids dying in the street and still feel worthy of the temple blessings.
I want to hear it from your mou....erm, fingers.
Edit; that was only one of my points, you haven't answered the rest. I want to heard about immigration when the church has released numerous statements bout it that are contrary to GOP party line.
second edit due to your last edit; why do you have to insult me and assume I didn't believe what I am saying or I can't type it for myself? I only had one quote, the rest was mine. Personal attacks show lack of reason on your part. Try again.
Third edit; good grief I am sorry. I let myself get pulled in, showing the extreme to balance the other side, when really I am much more of the mind that both can be LDS members in good standing. if I have enough room I'll quote an article from my alma mater USU's Statesman :
Bcspace, I think it's safe to say by your comments, you are unaware of how badly off many American truly are. I think you have a lot of pre-conceived ideas about the country and the church which are not true. And fly in the face of evidence and what the church has put forth. I suggest you read the last two conference addresses and see how many times our leaders have called for us to help those in need and to have compassion.
Voting is a democratic process that all participate in, it is not theft. It is taxes. Christ said to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. But the GOPs neglect that, too. It isn't theft it is building the country. To look at it as theft is to show the greed in your heart.