LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat - Page 8 of 27

QUOTE (Nighthawk @ 8-Mar 06, 1:27 - Page 8 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 9th Mar, 2006 - 10:06am

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Poll: I Think The Idea Of Being A Good LDS Democrat Is...
  Great! There are good policies in the Democratic party       44.19%
  Good, we all have the freedom to choose, it is not a sin       20.93%
  No Opinion - just leave the Members to do what they think is best       6.98%
  Nonsense - how can you support a party against LDS principles       27.91%
Total Votes: 43
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Is it possible to vote for the Democrats and say you support LDS Standards? Should every member be a Republican? Can you be a good Mormon and a Democrat?
LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat Related Information to LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
Post Date: 29th Nov, 2005 - 1:31am / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
A Friend

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat - Page 8

I myself tend to prefer the Green Party, but yes, it's possible to be a good LDS and vote Democrat. Back in 1998, in fact, the Church made an official statement to that effect, and that it is troubled that a lot of people perceive a link between the Republican Party and the LDS Church (May 3, 1998 Salt Lake Tribune[/] article). When fellow Latter-day Saints ask how I can vote Democrat and be a good Mormon (not too many Greens running for office, so I usually vote Democrat!), I like to ask them how they can vote Republican and be a good Mormon! Kind of turns the tables, and shows them how impertinent they're being!

Now, I know the topic of abortion is running through your head, so let's go ahead and address it. I'm sick and tired of Latter-day Saints claiming abortion is murder. The Church's officially-stated position (according to the [I]Church Handbook of Instructions
) is that it is not murder. The Church also gives specific instances in which abortion may be permitted. The abortion debate has become way too dichotomized and extreme. On the one hand you have people who appear to take abortion much too lightly. On the other hand, you have people who thing every abortion is a murder of an unborn "child." Hogwash. If people would back away from the extreme, radical positions, and move towards what the Church teaches, things would be better. I think the best way to address the abortion issue is to teach the word of God, teach people that abortion for the sake of convenience is wrong, teach that extramarital sex is wrong, teach people to use birth control if they don't want to get pregnant, and make adoption easier. I like how the abortion rate actually went down during Bill Clinton's administration. He was pro-choice, but they made it easier to adopt children, and people took advantage of that. One thing that really disturbed me, and tipped the scales for me, was an incident several years ago in which a 12-year-old girl was raped by her brother and became pregnant. Doctors determined it would be very dangerous for her to carry the child to term (as I imagine it would be for any 12-year-old!), and she and her parents decided an abortion was in order. However, they couldn't do it locally because of local pro-life politicians. So they tried to take her out-of-state for the abortion, but were stopped, once again by radical pro-lifers. This is scary! The Church would have permitted this girl to have an abortion because it was the result of rape, the result of incest, and her health/life was in danger. But the Church's position isn't good enough for those radical pro-lifers, who thought that for her to have an abortion would be murder. Oh, puh-leeeze!

Death penalty? Well, are you pro-life, or not? In any case, the Church does not have a position on the death penalty--you can support it or not and still be a good Mormon.

Feminism? The Church believes in equal rights for women. LDS women were among the first feminists, in fact, and among the first in the nation to be able to vote. We are also the only Christian church I am aware of that believes in Heavenly Mother, though we do not worship her. The Church is against domestic violence, sexual abuse, and pornography, all of which are MAJOR issues for feminists, on which we agree.

The environment? Well, read the Scriptures and words of the modern prophets and see what the Lord says about the earth and creatures he created. The Lord commanded us to multiply, and replenish the earth. Not only to multiply, but also to replenish the earth. Put back what we take. Care for it. Make it fruitful. Not exploit, destroy, defoliate, and poison the earth.

Socialism? I've never heard a Democrat argue in favor of socialism, so the question is moot.

The race question? We LDS believe in racial equality.

Peace? We are in favor of peace.

I could go on, but won't. I'm not telling you you have to vote Democrat to be a good Mormon (though I agree with Senator Harry Reid, and think it's easier!), just that there is no reason not to vote Democratic if you're a Mormon. President Hinckley says it's not a problem--why do so many members of the Church insist on disagreeing with President Hinckley and claim you can't vote Democrat and be a good Mormon? (It seems to me that if you openly disagree with the Prophet on official Church policy, you're the one in danger of going the wrong way!)

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Post Date: 2nd Jan, 2006 - 12:03am / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
A Friend

Democrat Mormon Democrat LDS


I'm sorry that this is my first post - maybe I haven't earned the right to be so bold. But so many of the posts here seem so wrong-minded, close-minded and downright mean. I actually joined this board just to reply.

First, we have a number of members-in-good-standing in Congress who are Democrats (I have no reason to believe they are not in good standing and neither do any of the members of this board. A determination of good standing is between the member, his or her bishop, stake president and the Lord). In fact, the Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid, is LDS. Ironic, isn't it, that the highest ranking ever member of the church is a Democrat?

Second, although I cannot find a source for this, I seem to remember that N. Eldon Tanner, a former member of the First Presidency, was a Democrat.

My mother and grandmother, both devout Democrats AND devout members of the Church until the day they died, wouldn't have agreed that somehow the two didn't mix. In fact, they - nor I - could ever figure out what it was about the Republican Party that members of the church found attractive. Is it abortion rights? Democrats do not, as a rule, support abortion - they support the right of a woman to choose. Senartor Reid is steadfast in his opposition to abortion. Is it school prayer? A wonderful issue in Utah, where prayers would be offered in a format we as members would be comfortable with - but where I live on the East Coast? Prayers could just as easily be said in formats that a Jew, Muslim, or Catholic would want and my children would feel MOST uncomfortable. Is it the moral stand the Republicans take? PLEASE! Regardless of the stand they take, Republican politicians have been caught - literally and figuratively - with their pants down as often or more often than Democrats. And are they stronger on defense? Every war in the 20th Century was fought by Democratic Presidents except the Gulf War, which the vast majority of Democrats supported. Democratic politicians have served in honorably in the military as often - MORE often - than the so-called hawks of the Republican Party who, as often as not had "other priorities" or some such other excuse to stay out of active service. These warhawks send our men and women into battle ill-prepared and poorly protected and bring them home to shrinking benefits and disregard.

I am a Democrat because I find most - certainly not all, but most - of their policy positions to be more compassionate, caring and responsible than those of the Republicans. Do I agree with their position on abortion? No, I do not. But I find that I can reconcile more Democratic policies with my religion than I can Replublican positions, which I feel are anything but Christlike.

But most of all, why has this discussion continued at all? It opened with what should have been the final word from a living Prophet: President Hinckley says there are many Democrats in the Church and they are good people. That should be the final word for ANY good member of the church. It certainly is for me.

2nd Jan, 2006 - 12:29am / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat Studies Doctrine Mormon

Openminded said:

Democrats do not, as a rule, support abortion - they support the right of a woman to choose

First of all let me tell you that I am not a Democrat or Republican, I am not even a US citizen. But let me asked you this question based on your statement:

Is there really a difference between boldly saying that they support abortion and to say they believe in the right of a woman to choose? I cannot see a huge difference because what is implying is that if the woman chooses to do an abortion, is within her right and should be fully supported. And it is not in harmony with what the Church position on abortion is.

Offtopic but,
But most of all, why has this discussion continued at all? It opened with what should have been the final word from a living Prophet: President Hinckley says there are many Democrats in the Church and they are good people. That should be the final word for ANY good member of the church

Well, that's the wonderful thing about being a human being and having brains (I am not trying to be sarcastic). When President Hinckley made that statement, he was sharing his opinion and definetly is not an issue concerning our spirituality, therefore he is entitled to say what he thinks and we are entitled to think for ourselves and give our opinion on the matter. Otherwise, if he says Burger King make better Burgers than Mc Donalds, are we going to stop going Mc Donalds?.

Post Date: 6th Jan, 2006 - 10:08pm / Post ID: #

Page 8 Democrat Mormon Democrat LDS

According to the Issue date: 4/14/04 it was said: "I'm a Democrat because I'm a Mormon and I believe in loving our neighbors and in helping the less fortunate. I believe in a wise, balanced stewardship of the earth and that I have a responsibility to share what I have with others. I believe government can be a powerful tool for good and we can be self reliant without being selfish. To be liberal and Mormon is not only possible,it's practical, it's compassionate and it's principled."

7th Jan, 2006 - 4:46pm / Post ID: #

Democrat Mormon Democrat LDS

While that is a very nice, compassionate sentiment that was published in the Daily Utah Chronicle, it misses the point. Modern liberalism in the US forces people to act the way the liberals want them to, by heavy taxation (which hurts business and the economy) then distributing the money gathered through force and threat of violence to people who then frequently become reliant upon the handouts.

Post Date: 2nd Feb, 2006 - 8:41pm / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
A Friend

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat

I came a little late to this discussion, but would like to throw my hat in the ring with those who agree with Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley when he says that yes, one can be a Mormon and a Democrat. It seems as though a few posters here think they have a better understanding of church doctrine and policy than does our current prophet.

I also feel compelled to comment on the suggestion that democrats "support" abortion and are pro-abortion. What the democrats I know support is the idea that a woman, along with her health care provider, should be able to make decisions regarding her reproductive live without the government getting involved. I don't believe it is any of my business what the woman down the street chooses to do. She and her doctor know far better the right decision for HER than I ever will.

Interestingly, the church's position on abortion does allow for abortion in a few cases. If abortion = murder, does this mean murder is sometimes acceptable in the eyes of the church?

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8th Mar, 2006 - 6:27pm / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat Mormon Democrat - Page 8

It appears to me that we have had two "drive-by" posters here, both of whom only joined to make a single post on this subject and then left for warmer climates.

I am not going to go back through all the posts over the last couple of years to see exactly what I have written before. However, I will say that it certainly is possible to be a "good" Latter-day Saint and be a member of the Democratic Party. However, it seems to me that to do so requires the member to go against many doctrines and teachings of the Church.

It seems as though a few posters here think they have a better understanding of church doctrine and policy than does our current prophet.

What a wonderful way to make a point. Of course, I am not in complete agreement with many current policies, and have some doubts about some things that most people claim are "doctrines".

Being a Democrat does not make a person evil. In my opinion, of course, it makes them a dupe, but that is just my opinion. Democrats probably say the same thing about me. I do wonder sometimes about certain leaders among the Democratic Party, as I do with certain leaders among the Republican Party, whether they are truly evil or not. It certainly appears to me that among the Democrats, there is an awful lot of juggling to keep minorities down in the midst of welfare programs and entitlements, along with such issues as direct attacks against private property, abortion, attempts to wrest the Constitution (particularly the 2nd Amendment), etc. All of these things I consider to be evil.

At the same time, the Republicans don't have a sterling reputation either. Especially for the last few years, they have participated in the attacks on private property, the Constitution, personal liberty, etc.

Interestingly, the church's position on abortion does allow for abortion in a few cases. If abortion = murder, does this mean murder is sometimes acceptable in the eyes of the church?

Susan, you couldn't have chosen a WORSE example, as far as I am concerned. Previous Prophets proclaimed with absolutely NO ambiguity that all voluntary abortion is murder. Since the leadership of the Church has become so interested in "getting along", that has changed. When Roe v. Wade was first decided, the overwhelming consensus was that abortion would ONLY be provided in cases of rape, incest, and to protect the health of the mother. Of course, there is no definition of exactly what the "health of the mother" really is. Within days of Roe, women began to claim that having that child would affect their mental health or their anxiety, or would cause them stress that they couldn't deal with. So, that became a justification for abortion.

Now, the LDS Church uses the EXACT SAME WORDS. Some Mormons use that as justification for ALL abortions, just as the world has done.

As far as I am concerned, there is only ONE justification for abortion. That is to clearly save the LIFE of the mother, when all other options have been exhausted.

Since the Prophet apparently endorses this new, liberal attitude towards the most disgusting practice among mankind, I guess I should just shut my mouth, still my fingers, and forget about it all. Right?

Not going to happen.

Eternal principles are just that - Eternal. Murdering infants is wrong, no matter what the justification. And acceding to it in order to maintain a certain public image is wrong. And supporting a cause or a political party that fights to allow over 40 MILLION infants to be murdered is wrong.

In my humble opinion.

Message Edited!
You dummy! Remember to spell check BEFORE posting! (Gotta keep reminding myself!)

Reconcile Edited: Nighthawk on 8th Mar, 2006 - 6:33pm

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2006 - 10:06am / Post ID: #

LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat
A Friend

LDS Democrat Mormon Democrat Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 8

QUOTE (Nighthawk @ 8-Mar 06, 1:27 PM)
        Democrats...    ... such issues as direct attacks against private property...  ...  these things I consider to be evil.

Hmmm ...

Maybe it was not nice to wipe away most of your words from that sentence, but this time I
only wanted to make a comment on one thing only on your democratic evils -list:

Maybe greedy overemphasizing of private property itself can be evil, or how should I understand teachings of the Law of Consecration.

The one who is willing to enter the Celestial Kingdom must be capable to share, to live the Law of Consecration.

Thinking/acting like a Democrat that step will be easier, compared to the Giant Leaps the Republicans will have to take.

> TOPIC: LDS Democrat - Mormon Democrat


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