Absolutely. I do not trust the man, nor do I think he has the experience necessary to run this country. The man is quite a dynamic speaker but I have yet to hear him say anything of substance that gives me a good grasp on where he stands on the issues. Quite frankly I am not in full support of any of our presidential candidates. It is a sad state of affairs.
As to the topic at hand, I find it totally ironic. Back in the 1890's when Utah was seeking statehood almost everyone in the Church was Democrat. Statehood was in peril because there was no two party system. To remedy this Church leaders actively campaigned to have some people convert to the Republican party. They sent John Henry Smith around the territory to convince folk that it was possible to be Republican AND a good Latter-Day-Saint. Many members construed this as advocation for the Republican party and being Democrat began to be perceived as adverse to Church doctrine. Now the tide has turned to the opposite. Many members erroneously believe you cannot be a good Latter-Day-Saint and a Democrat. Church standing and political alignment are not mutually exclusive. Regardless of where your political alliance lies your standing in the Church is based upon following correct principles and good works.
That said, you may decide that a particular party is more aligned with your beliefs and interests than another. The Church admonishes us to be politically active, they do not tell us how to do it. That is left up to our own circumstances and conscience.
The church has had an interesting history with mixing church and state. If feel that today there still is some of that going on. Sure they do not tell us who to vote for per say, but they do actively campaign for issues, that they declare moral issues. I know that they sent couples on missions in California just to defeat gay marriage amendment, and the local leaders here in Ohio used the pulpit to tell us to vote against it in Ohio. The problem is why do they declare certain things moral issues and actively campaign against them, and not others? Why does the church not see the war, poverty, health care crisis as moral issues? Just an some questions that I wonder about.
As for the Church lobbying for Republican voters it was much more then that. They at times assigned members to the GOP in a lot of cases. They needed this so that they could get statehood so the church called people to parties. There is a great article in this months Sunstone about the political history of the church and there relationship with church and state. A very good article that also explained why the rest of the world kept asking Romney so many Mormon questions, because of the political history of the church in America.
Anyway, I vote Democrat because I am pro-family. The number 1 reason for divorce in the US is over financial reasons. The number 1 reason for bankruptcy and foreclosure in the US is because of the cost of Healthcare. Poverty and lack of or under insured healthcare are the reason for breaking up families, not gays. To me then that makes healthcare and poverty moral issues. I just see the democratic party doing more in these areas. They seem more pro-family to me.
Can it not be said that there are tenants of both Political Parties that are Moral, and/or Scriptural? Conversely can it also be said that their are tenants of each party that are in opposition to the word and work of God.
Why does it have to be an either/or question, as both Parties are lead by flawed men and women, who do not have access to the mind and will of God? No one could claim that either party is "God's" Party while excluding the other, as no one could seriously claim that everyone who is one party or the other has completely good or evil motives and actions.
The Argument that Republicans are evil and Democrats are good and vice versa denies the fact that good people and ideas can be found in either/both of these political parties.
The Argument that Republicans are evil and Democrats are good and vice versa denies the fact that good people and ideas can be found in either/both of these political parties. |
QUOTE (dbackers @ 24-Jul 08, 7:08 PM) |
Can it not be said that there are tenants of both Political Parties that are Moral, and/or Scriptural? Conversely can it also be said that their are tenants of each party that are in opposition to the word and work of God. |
QUOTE (ManofAsher @ 21-Aug 08, 6:20 PM) |
So, I don't see how you can be pro-agency by being a member of the church and at the same time support a group that wants to take that away from us all. |
It is hard for some of us conservatives to see anyone who is strongly pro-choice, anti- freedom of property ownership, and ultra secularist as being in alignment with the teachings of the Church. These ideals do not describe the Democratic Party, but they do describe a significant portion of the parties platforms and membership. That is why some of us have a hard time thinking that a hard leftist in the democratic party could really adhere to the precepts of the Church. Can you believe something that is opposite to the doctrines of the Church(unfettered support for elective abortion,) and really be a good member?
Of course this is coming from a different world view then those of a more liberal bent, but in our minds,as well as those with a more liberal mindset is there is a literal War of Ideas. We want to influence the direction that these ideas take as well as those on the other side.