This is what democracy looks like!
Footage reportedly of a near dead and dead Muammar Gaddafi are making the rounds on the internet and on multiple news sources. The videos are somewhat strange as the ravenous group of rebels cheer wildly as Gaddafi clings to life and later as they drag his dead body down the road. Is this what Democracy looks like? Doesn't seem like Libyans have all that much cause for hope when dead bodies are being paraded around. Ref. Source 8
US drones bombed Libya more than Pakistan:
President Obama will tell you that America's involvement in the Libyan conflict does not constitute an act of war. In the meantime, however, US drones have conducted nearly triple the amount of airstrikes in Libya than they have in Pakistan, despite lacking congressional approval. Ref. Source 3
Much blood will yet be shed in Libya:
Days after Gaddafi was buried, the flag of Al Qaeda is flying in Libya and sharia law has been imposed. Now, many rebel fighters fear the rise of a hardline Islamist state - and will fight to the death to stop it Ref. Source 5
Libya's humanitarian catastophe the West doesn't care about because it caused it:
Video - Journalist Neil Clark says now regime change has been achieved in Libya the Western powers don't care about the humanitarian catastrophe their intervention has caused and the Western media isn't interested in reporting it. Ref. Source 5
U.S. Condemns attack on U.N. In Libya
Ian Martin, U.N. Special envoy to Libya, was among those traveling in a convoy when it was hit by an explosive device while traveling through Benghazi. Hua Jiang, a spokeswoman for the U.N. Support Mission in Libya said no one was hurt in the attack. Ref. Source 2
Libya: US consulate employee dead in attack
Protesters angered over a film that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammad fired gunshots and burned down the US consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing one American diplomat, witnesses and the State Department said....
Source: nzherald.co.nz - Islam