Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin took his month-old son to his first croc feeding on Friday, offering the reptile a chicken with one hand and holding the baby in the other. https://msnbc.msn.com/id/3859536/ |
Now I could almost understand him wanting to include his child with him in the learning experience, but to try and include month old son with him? Now that is just irresponsible of him. What would he have done if the reptile had gotten out of control?
Crocodile hunter escapes charges, even Child Services got involved.
From CNN:
SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) -- Australia's crocodile hunter Steve Irwin has escaped charges after a storm of criticism erupted over him taking his month-old son to within a few feet of a feeding crocodile.
The televised incident sparked an investigation by the Queensland state Families Department over whether Irwin had breached workplace safety regulations.
The man known internationally as "The Crocodile Hunter" was branded as reckless and irresponsible by family and children's groups for the stunt Friday at his Australia Zoo on Queensland's Sunshine Coast.
Australian Family Association spokesman Bill Muehlenberg said Irwin had no right to put his baby in peril, according to the Courier-Mail newspaper.
Parliamentarian Wayne Swan, the families spokesman for the Federal Opposition, called it a "very irresponsible action". ...
All Right, Yes! I was wondering if there would be any backlash on his antics. I especially agree with Keith Cook:
"I think he's a bloody idiot," the owner of the rival Cairns Crocodile Farm, Keith Cook, told the Courier-Mail. |
"I was in complete control of the crocodile. Robert was tucked right in my arm," the Courier-Mail reported him saying. |
What I find really crazy about the whole thing is I had read somewhere that Mr. Irwin apologized for upsetting so many people, but was not apologizing for having his son in that type of situation. *looks unsure* I have also heard somewhere else that Mr. Irwin's dad used to do the same thing with him when he was little. So, is it like a tradition for him to be so careless around the crocs with his child or should the circle of craziness stop somewhere?
I agree with all of you. It was a publicity stunt just like the Michael Jackson thing. I remember hearing Irwin talking about it on the news. He said all he was trying to do was teach his kids the danger of crocodiles. I mean come on, the baby's only one month old! You don't teach a one-month-old the danger of wild crocodiles! It's insane.
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