The Following Has Been Changed
* In the My Controls there is a new bar indicating which fields are Role-playing Game specific. This will also help Members in the Community that are not here for role-playing games.
* Oliron's Dungeons & Dragons fields moved to the very bottom in My Controls since it is dormant at the moment
* Bruconero's Dungeons & Dragons fields targeted for removal have been deleted
* KittenPunk's and Oinodaemon's Role-playing Game Character field has been boosted to 3000 characters
* KittenPunk's and Oinodaemon's Role-playing Game now has a Name field for Character (65 characters)
* Associated nag screens with not filling in new Name field has also been added
Next To Come
1. Dungeons & Dragons Character background aura (Full version only)
2. Automated Dice system with time delay for Dungeon Masters to see it first and Players last
3. Dungeon Master's Post are unique looking so they do not look like a Player
GMasters Look Unique
Member Wars Game Master's with GMaster Group Status will notice that their Posts within Games they run look unique! You now will have:
* Your GM Avatar larger and to the left
* Your regular Member stats to the right
* More room for your story to be told
* Larger font at top for your GM name
* Different background to distinguish you from your Players
Game Master's are encouraged to use the Avatars set aside for Game Master's so that Players can feel free to utilize all other Avatars.
Small Cosmetic Update
To keep everything aesthetically correct you will now see your Character's name and title have the first letter of each word in uppercase. Thus it looks more in unison with the rest of your in Character role-play.
The same is true with your Username, BUT when you login it is case sensitive as it was before. In other words if your username was jim then do not login as Jim.
Member Wars Dice System Installed!
The in-house Dice system I recently coded to help Dungeon Masters avoid the cheaters because the rolls are made for them. More of the features are described in the How To Be A Game Master / Dungeon Master Thread.
Pathfinder Joins Member Wars
ICon is volunteering his time to run a Pathdinder Adventure Path campaign. We have highlighted those Threads so they are not drowned out by Dungeons & Dragons. There is also a new Pathfinder page: Pathfinder Adventure Path Play By Post Role-playing Game Start Here.
Dice system permanently removed from Bruconero's RPG.
Member Dice Rolls Enhanced!
The following changes were made for participating GMasters:
* A Player can select to roll Dice or not so it does not always show in every Post.
* A Player can select from a variety of different Dice rolls especially the more common D20
* The GM rolls are kept out unless the GM asks the Player to include his/her Dice rolls as well.
This enables GMasters to decide when and how Dice rolls are made for their game. It also acts as a convenience for Players and not a Message hindrance.
Requirements: Dungeon Master / GM Rule Addition:
In the Thread: How To Be A Game Master / Dungeon Master I've updated the prerequisites for being a Dungeon Master/GM here:
For Starting Threads in Member Wars:
D&D Start Guide Updated
The D&D Start Guide has been updated to be more effective in the information it presents.