A multi-talented Quebecoise in the USA. Hello...Bonjour! I am physically and mentally fit and my skills will attest too this. I can speak French and English very well(Je peux parler Francais et Anglias tres bien) and my experience level proves my degree of professionalism.
Hi There
It is good to see you are interested in the Fashion Industry. We have the Modeling / Photography Board to help you learn more / share your experiences and so forth. However, before you get started, you may wish to look over the following links as they will help you become familiar with how the Community runs. Do enjoy your stay.
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Please do... upload your Model photos - check out Love Modeling for your own FREE Fashion Portfolio.
Hi Denise Luvve! Thanks for telling us about yourself you are certainly multi-talented. Brandon gave you the link for fashion discussion and we also have a gallery if you wish to share some of your photos. If you have any questions just ask here.