Things To Do At The Movies

Things Movies - Trinidad and Tobago Jokes - Posted: 12th Sep, 2012 - 10:09pm

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Post Date: 7th Mar, 2011 - 1:46am / Post ID: #

Things To Do At The Movies

Things To Do At The Movies

1. Throw popcorn around and yell, "It's snowing!"

2. Laugh when the good guy dies

3. Start a conversation on your cell phone right when the movie starts

4. Point to the beginning credits and say, "That guy dies."

5. Order pizza halfway through the movie

6. Sit between couples

7. Nonchalantly eat popcorn from other people's containers

8. Announce loudly to everyone in the theater that you are going to the bathroom

9. Bring in your own food such as soup and slurp loudly.

10. Wear tall hats to block other people's view

11. Walk in as if you are a big shot while wearing the most outrageous outfit; spandex should do the trick.

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12th Sep, 2012 - 10:09pm / Post ID: #

Movies The Do Things

Very funny things to do! But if a person do these things, other people will think the person is mad or something.

> TOPIC: Things To Do At The Movies


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