Trini Robot

Trini Robot - Trinidad and Tobago Jokes - Posted: 7th Mar, 2011 - 1:57pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 1 - Views: 643
Post Date: 7th Mar, 2011 - 1:57pm / Post ID: #

Trini Robot

A Trini walks into a bar, and he notices the bartender is a robot. So he sits at the bar and the e-Bartender comes to his service, firstly asking the Trini: "Hello sir, what is your IQ?" The Trini (an obvious joker) replies "150, I cud get a carib please?" So the robotic bartender serves the Trini with his carib and begins a conversation about stem cell research, rocket science, biomedical engineering and other smart nonsense. So the Trini felt mischevious, he left the bar and re-entered and sat back at the bar. The robot comes up to him again and asks "Hello Sir, what is your IQ?" to which the Trini replies: "It's 112, can I have a carib please?" So the Robot serves him with a carib and starts to talk to the Trini about politics, current events, literature etc. So the Trini, still feeling mischevious, walks out, and re-enters again. The robotic bartender once again asks: "Hello Sir, what is your IQ?" To which the Trini replies: "Its 30, may I have a carib please?" So the robot bartender serves him his carib and bluntly asks: "So yuh gonna vote for Manning agen or wha?"

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Post Date: Fri Mar 14 1:07:04 GMT 2025 / Post ID: #


Trini Robot

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I was thinking about trini robot need more info briskly for our conceive or move ahead with discussion.

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