Men More Fanatical About Women?

Men Fanatical Women - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 23rd Apr, 2008 - 2:54pm

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Post Date: 8th Jan, 2004 - 12:04pm / Post ID: #


Men More Fanatical About Women?

In my observation of Humans in the media I have often found that most ads and shows focus on the woman as the attractive 'object of desire' rather than the man. Is this normal in society or is it that men are more fanatical about women than women are about men?

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9th Jan, 2004 - 7:29pm / Post ID: #

Women Fanatical Men

I think there is an entirely different reason for this.

First, in general it is men who control these large corporations and in fact it is men who control media and advertising. So, it is natural that we would see more of what attracts them.

Second, and the larger reason, in my opinion, is that traditionally, men have been the ones to command larger paychecks. So, the advertisers are targeting men to make the large purchase decisions.

Also, I don't think it has occurred to men, that women too can be attracted visually to a good looking human male. This trend really is beginning to change. More and more women are in advertising positions and leadership roles at companies. They know, we too, can find a man attractive and some of their advertising shows this. There was a recent Pepsi (few years) commercial where women gawk at a very well built man. I loved it!

Finally, I don't think women are as visually stimulated as men are. To us attractiion often begins in the way we are treated not in the way you look. Not really as true for men. For example, many women are turned on by their man helping them clean the house. Few men would find this a turn on, in my opinion.

Reconcile Edited: tenaheff on 9th Jan, 2004 - 7:30pm

10th Jan, 2004 - 4:59pm / Post ID: #

Men More Fanatical About Women? Health & Special Psychology

I agree with Tena, it is all a matter of money and who is the one who gets the bigger paychecks and who is the one that can invest the most = men.

I personally find it annoyning that women are used in such a poor way in advertising, its all about looks but the fact that it works it shows you the mentality of the consumist of the product.

22nd Apr, 2008 - 8:26pm / Post ID: #

Women Fanatical Men

I suppose to capture a man's attention, may prove to be a challenge, depending on the product. I suspect that these advertisements appeal to the strongest sense in men that is, the sense of sight. Therefore, advertisers tend to focus on men's sight and weaknesses or temptations. By incorporating these glamorous women in the advertisements will force the men to focus on the product. However, sometimes, what is being sold, may be lost on the male consumer, due to the "distraction" from the model in the advertisement.

In today's society, some men regard women as inferior and believe that a woman's place is in the home or they (the women) are more suited for modelling jobs. Unfortunately, the advertisers assist in perpetuating this belief in their advertisements, by portraying the women as beautiful, mindless, sex objects.

I believe that the way women were raised long ago, they would not openly express their feelings, where men are concerned. However, times have changed. Women are no longer submissive or silent. They are recognized as a very important consumer and advertisers are intelligent enough to realise that "sex sells." Therefore, they use male models in a provocative way, (just like the female models) to sell the product.

Reconcile Edited: Geenie on 22nd Apr, 2008 - 8:28pm

Post Date: 22nd Apr, 2008 - 11:20pm / Post ID: #

Men More Fanatical About Women?
A Friend

Women Fanatical Men

Neo's observation and question

In my observation of Humans in the media I have often found that most ads and shows focus on the woman as the attractive 'object of desire' rather than the man. Is this normal in society or is it that men are more fanatical about women than women are about men?

Began an interesting search for me. I've studied human behavior for about 20 years, not as a profession, exactly, but since I often am sought out for guidance on spiritual and life questions I felt it my duty to those who would come to me for answers to discover what I could of those possible answers.

I do not believe, in America, that the roles between sexes are viewed the same by both men and women. Although the attitude that a woman should be kept "barefoot and pregnant" has changed, our society is now so complex I know of very few households where both adults do NOT work outside the home, but I do, still, observe that men are FIRST attracted by appearance and later by other things where as women in American society (and I am referring to females in their late twenties and older, it is entirely different when speaking of younger women and teens) tend to be more concerned with the man's financial status and ABILITY. After all, even a sanitation collection worker can be financially competent. He many not make $40,000 a year but if he knows how to handle the money he does make, that gives a clue that he will be a good provider. It is more cerebral things about potential mates that American women are attracted to, first, but physical attractiveness is a close second.

Television programming and especially commercials are a very false image of American society. (I can't speak for any other culture because I don't see anything but American television) Have you noticed that very few programs focus on "not too successful" situations? Ghetto families, working poor of any category except perhaps single mothers with terrific jobs, unless the appearance is happenstance to the show or the point is how these situations lead to failure? Or are treated with comedy. No one want to be reminded of how difficult life can be. Television is escapist psychology. Poor circumstances do not "sell" products so the advertisers have "beautiful people" selling everything from screws, nuts and bolts to laundry detergent to expensive automobiles and boats. And, yes, "sex sells" is a long standing advertising axiom. Often if you are really careful in your observations the more sex in the ad the less valuable the item being sold.

I do not think men are more "fanatical" about women than women are about men. Not in a generalized way, but I do observe that men are more visually oriented than women who tend to look for more substance in a man than just his appearance.

Post Date: 23rd Apr, 2008 - 2:54pm / Post ID: #

Men More Fanatical About Women?
A Friend

Men More Fanatical About Women?

I think all men like to look at a nice looking woman. If they are scantily clad all the better to most men. Sex has been used in sales for the past few decades and it is working. Granted you are now seeing more commercials geared for women to go buy this or that. But it still comes down to the sex appeal of the model used. Whether it is a sexy woman or a very handsome male the commercials and the ads are geared for one thing...SEX. IF they appeal to their target audience and the product sells then the ad was a success.

I believe that this is going to get more interesting as the years go by on how far a ad will go.

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